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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121

After reporting to work, Jodie sat down at her desk. The company not only had a good environment, but it was also a renowned company in Dellmoor. Jodie was pleased that she was able to work there.

“Morning, Mr. Jones,” everyone greeted.

Everyone around her was looking in a particular direction. Jodie’s eyes lit up in excitement, and she eagerly followed their gazes to the entrance.

Since she was new, it was essential that she made a good first impression on her superior. However, seeing that it was Steven they were addressing, she wished that the ground would swallow her whole. Lowering her voice, she whispered to someone beside her, “Who is he?”

“He’s our boss’ son, the vice president of this company. The CEO has taken a hands off approach to the business, so Mr. Jones is in charge of the whole company. Quantary Corporation is the head company under the Jones family,” her colleague explained.

Her colleague went on, but Jodie was not listening any longer. Never did she expect that a day would come whereby she would be at Steven’s mercy. At first, she wanted to leave a good impression on her superior. However, judging from the current situation, she decided not to anymore. After all, they had gone through so much. She knew that Steven would already have a bad impression of her. There’s no way he’ll change his impression of me!

At that thought, her expression turned grim. Originally, she thought that Steven would jump at the opportunity to make things difficult for her. However, without sparing so much as a glance at her, Steven headed straight for his office.

Jodie took out her phone and sent another message to Margaret: This is seriously not my day! It’s my first day here, and I just found out that my boss is Steven! Looks like I’ll have to find another job.

Upon receiving her message, Margaret felt a little perplexed. She texted back a reply: Why do you need to find another job? I don’t think that’s necessary. Just focus on the tasks you have on hand. As for Steven, he’ll merely be your boss. You complain that smaller companies don’t offer as many benefits as you would like. Now that you have finally found a job, don’t be reckless!

Jodie understood where Margaret was coming from. Frankly speaking, there was no


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