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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Margaret was not a reckless person, and she wouldn’t lose her mind and yell. Hence, she only gritted her teeth and said, “Thank you for not letting her sacrifices for the past years go to waste!” With that said, she took the bank card, turned around, and left. Up till now, she could still remember every word Jodie told her about the relationship. Besides that, Margaret could also recall the helpless and sorrowful wordings Jodie used when sending Margaret a text to inform her about her breakup.

When Margaret arrived at the restaurant, she immediately saw Jodie sitting by the window. After calming her agitated emotions, Margaret slowly walked forward and took a seat.

Before Margaret could say a word, Jodie started blabbering, “Oh no! Initially, I thought I had secured a decent job. However, I can’t believe my boss is Steven Jones! Previously, I accidentally hit his car and even confronted him a few times. I don’t know anyone that will not hold a grudge! Hence, I’ll definitely have a hard time if I continue to work in his company. Instead of waiting for him to fire me, I might as well pack my stuff and leave..

At the moment, Margaret couldn’t concentrate as all she could think about was her encounter with Jack. If I pass the bank card to Jodie, it will undoubtedly mean that Jack is living a great life, as he could fork out millions effortlessly. I don’t think anything else can crush a person’s will more than telling the individual that the person’s ex is living a better life than them.

As Jodie noticed that Margaret remained silent, she was anxious. “Meg, speak up. What should I do now?”.

Coming back to her senses, Margaret said, “Jo, although I don’t know Steven well, I know he is on good terms with Christopher. People like them are usually quite magnanimous. Hence, I don’t think he will hold on to a grudge. In my opinion, you should continue working there and see how things go. I-I have something to tell you…”

Jodie rested her chin on her palms and stared at Margaret innocently. “Tell me about




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