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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Elizabeth smiled meaningfully and replied, “Oh, you don’t mean anything by it, do you? Why do you look so shy then? Mr. Lewis called and said that he would not be eating at home today. You should wash up and get ready to eat.”

Margaret didn’t bother explaining herself. After showering, she obediently sat at the table. Staring at the dishes served, Margaret subconsciously landed her gaze on the vacant seat opposite her. That was Christopher’s seat.

After I meet Mr. Xenos tomorrow and find out what happened all those years ago, I might be able to finally sit down and have a proper meal with Christopher…

After finishing her meal, Margaret walked around the garden before returning to her room. As she was pregnant, she felt drowsy all the time. Thus, Margaret slept early that day. She was resting so soundly that she didn’t even notice when Christopher came back and took a bath. It was only when she woke up in the middle of the night that she realized Christopher was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

“You’re home?” asked Margaret in a daze.

Christopher stayed silent. However, Margaret could not be bothered by his lack of reaction. All she wanted was to empty her full bladder and return to her sleep as soon as possible.

As she was walking toward the door, Christopher suddenly said in a cold voice, “Why did Jack give you money?”

Upon hearing that, Margaret stood still as she was startled. Feeling much more awake now, she demanded, “Were you investigating me?”

Margaret was shocked that Christopher had extra time to check on her. How could he know my every move?

Christopher didn’t reply to her question. Hence, she took his silence as an admission of guilt. “It’s for Jo. He wants to give it to her as compensation for their breakup. I’m just the middle person,” explained Margaret.

After finishing her sentence, she went downstairs to use the bathroom there. Until now, they still used separate bathrooms. Under normal circumstances, she would not use the room’s attached bathroom, especially when Christopher was at home.


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