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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131

After dinner, Christopher retired into his study while Margaret lay in bed, examining the letter sent by “Mr. Xenos.” She had gone through its contents innumerable times. Other than evoking certain emotions in her heart every time she read it, it proved to be of no further use.

Just as she was deep in contemplation, Jodie sent her a message out of the blue. Upon opening it, she could not help but chuckle.

I heard that if you’re having a baby girl, your skin’s complexion will improve. If it’s a baby boy, not only is it the contrary, but you’ll also gain a lot of weight during pregnancy! How much weight have you gained recently? Can you tell whether it’s a boy or a girl?

To be honest, Margaret had never thought about such matters before. However, as of then, she was intrigued.

She got up and took a good look at herself in the mirror but failed to see any changes in her complexion. Then, she weighed herself and discovered that she had gained almost two kilograms. Oh, no! I’ve only been pregnant for such a short while, and I’ve already gained almost two kilos? How much will I weigh during my third trimester then? No, I have to control my appetite. I can’t go on eating as much as I please. It’s not necessarily healthy of me to do that!

The door was abruptly pushed open as she stood on the weighing scale while gently caressing her tummy and replying to Jodie’s text message. She reflexively turned her head to look and saw it was Christopher. It seems like he’s done with work.

All of a sudden, she recalled that the letter was still on the bed. Frantically, she tried to rush over to retrieve it, but it was too late. Christopher walked straight to the bed and directly picked up the letter as soon as he laid eyes on it.

Margaret’s heart was in her mouth. Even if Christopher discovered the existence of this letter, it was meaningless because there was no follow-up to it.

The man’s face fell as he read the letter. She strode forward and snatched it from his grip but did not know what to say.

Bringing up the past would affect not only her but also Christopher. That plane crash had caused both him and her to lose their loved ones.


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