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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Listening to the sound of water flowing from the bathroom, Margaret lay on the bed motionlessly as though she were a puppet whose strings had snapped. It felt like something had exploded within her heart, causing her to feel pain and sorrow.

Shortly, Christopher left the Lewis residence. The sound of his car engine faded away into the distance.

The same scenario had repeated itself countless times, and she ended up being broken into pieces once more. However, that time around, those feelings came more fiercely than before.

The next day, Margaret went to the office on time as usual. What happened the night before caused her to have nightmares, so she did not look well.

Casper was taken aback when he saw her. “What did you and Christopher do yesterday night? Your dark circles can almost occupy your entire face…

She shook her head in silence. With an odd expression, he inquired, “Is it… because of Jenson?”

Confused, she answered with a question, “What’s the matter with Jenson?”

Casper faked a laugh and brushed it off. “Oh, it’s nothing. I was merely asking a random question. You should go and do your work.”

Although Margaret was puzzled about why he would suddenly mention Jenson, she did not dwell on the matter. She was still shaken from what had happened the night before and had not recovered from the shock yet. Thankfully, nothing happened to the baby in her womb.

Her phone suddenly rang sometime past ten in the morning. Upon seeing the incoming caller’s number, she hesitated for a moment before answering the phone. “Hello?”

Jenson’s desolate voice rang out from the other end of the line. “I want to see you now. Can I?”

As she was familiar with his temperament, she knew he was not someone who was so emotional to the extent that he would casually ask to see her during working hours. Out of concern, she asked, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”


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