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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Margaret had discovered since the beginning that Jenson was behaving abnormally that day. Because of his question, she was even more convinced that something was off with him. “Jenson, tell me, what’s the matter? You… don’t seem like yourself today.”

The man took a deep breath and flashed her his usual warm smile. “It’s nothing… Meg, I just haven’t talked to you alone for a long time. I know that you have your concerns, but can you let go of them for now and answer my question?”

After a brief moment of contemplation, Margaret replied, “I don’t know. He’s taken care of me for so many years and is now my husband. It would be a lie to say that I have no feelings toward him.”

The smile on Jenson’s face stiffened. “Your feelings toward him… Are they a feeling of kinship or romantic love? Can you differentiate them clearly? What if… What if I want you to abandon everything and leave with me? Would you say yes?”

His question stunned her. “W-What are you saying? You’re already engaged! What in the world is going on?”

It was evident that the uncharacteristic behavior of the calm, collected Jenson caused her to feel somewhat unnerved. Something grave must have happened for a person’s personality to change drastically.

Emotions rippled through Jenson’s eyes as if they could whip up a storm whenever. “It was Christopher who forced me to leave the country and get engaged with Waverly. None of them was done on my own accord!”

Margaret felt exceedingly guilty. That’s right… All this happened because of me. But, even then… Would I be able to abandon everything and leave with him? If it were me from three years ago, perhaps I would agree to it without the slightest bit of hesitation. But now… I can’t.

“If this were three years ago, if I weren’t married and you were still single… and if I weren’t carrying such a heavy burden… I would say yes in a heartbeat. Jenson, no matter what happens, Jo and I are here for you. You can tell me anything and everything; I’ll be your best listener.”

In the end, she made her stance clear–that was, like Jodie, to be his friend.


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