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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Upon hearing that, Margaret exploded with anger. She picked up the stuff on her desk and threw them at Megan as if she had lost her mind. “You’re the one who deserves to die!”

Casper did not know what triggered her outburst, but he instinctively dragged Megan to the side. Files, a pencil case, and a pot of tiny cactus fell hard on his back.

At the sight of their superior getting hurt, the rest of the employees could not stand by anymore. They swarmed forward to stop Margaret. “Calm down!”

Margaret was pinned to the desk. When her abdomen was accidentally knocked against the corner of her office desk, pain flared up her body. Moreover, the wound she sustained from the car accident was throbbing. Nevertheless, she was unbothered by them as those were nothing compared to her broken heart.

Hannah had abandoned her again after so many years. Everything she had done that time around was far crueler than how she left her when she was young.

Back then, Margaret thought her mother left her because she was not obedient enough. It was then she finally realized that the woman would only leave more and more scars on her heart. Megan is right. Nobody wants me!

“That’s enough! Let go of her!” Casper panicked as soon as he came back to his senses.

“Casper, are you okay? Your face is bleeding..” Looking distressed, Megan took out a piece of tissue to wipe his wound.

However, he turned his head away with a grim expression. “It’s fine. Hurry up and leave. Stop causing any more trouble in my office!”

Since Megan had achieved her goal, naturally, she did not want to stay there any longer either. The sight of Margaret going berserk pleased her greatly.



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