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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Allergy? He doesn’t allow anyone to keep a pet at home? I don’t care!

“Elizabeth, I’m the lady of the house, right? This is my house too. I don’t have to get his approval for everything I do in this house. It’s none of my business that he doesn’t like pets, and there’s nothing wrong with me doing what I like. Am I right? If he can’t accept it, we’ll sleep in separate rooms. I will take care of my cat in my room. It won’t bother him then.”

After saying those words, Margaret hugged the cat and went upstairs while wearing a smile. However, she hesitated at the bedroom doorway and ended up placing the cat in the art room instead of bringing it into Christopher’s room. It would be fatal if he had a severe allergy to cat fur, and she was not so reckless as to disregard such a fact.

Elizabeth thought that what the young woman did was merely digging her own grave. At the same time, she could not fathom why Margaret, who had always been cautious, suddenly became so daring. She’s clearly going against Mr. Lewis.

In order to hide the cat’s existence from Christopher, Elizabeth ordered all the servants in the Lewis residence not to reveal it and even locked the art room without Margaret’s knowledge.

To her dismay, her worries came true. That night, Christopher returned to the residence all of a sudden. Elizabeth cautioned Margaret nervously, “Meg, please do not let Mr. Lewis know you have a cat in the house. He’s not always around, anyway. It’d be best to keep it a secret from him as long as possible.”

The latter had a nonchalant attitude. “Why should I hide it from him? It’s not something shameful. I can’t hide if he wishes to know. It’s similar like he knows everything about me, such as who I meet and what I do when I go out. He might have already known that I have found and brought a cat home.”

Elizabeth heaved a long sigh of disapproval before hurrying downstairs to prepare dinner.

Margaret no longer avoided Christopher and followed her downstairs. Although she still felt wretched at the mere sight of him, she had no intention to hide from him anymore. It was pointless to live in fear.

Just as she arrived at the landing, Fredrick walked up to her and uttered, “Mrs. Lewis, Mr. Lewis is looking for you.”


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