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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Jodie glanced at Margaret’s body and asked, “Did you hurt yourself-“–

Before she finished her words, she noticed the pool of blood-stained rainwater underneath Margaret’s feet while fresh blood continued dripping down from the latter’s pants. Jodie exclaimed, “Meg, why are you bleeding so much?”

Margaret looked down too, but her vision went blurry. She couldn’t even hear the sounds around her anymore.

During Margaret’s trance-like state, she sensed that Jodie had hailed a taxi to send her to the hospital. She then saw the anxious expressions of a few nurses who pushed her into the emergency room.

Darkness soon consumed her as she lay on the operating table. She didn’t feel any pain, and she could no longer talk.

Jodie was pacing outside the emergency room anxiously. Soon, a nurse came out of the room and asked, “Are you the patient’s family member? The patient is exhausted after the miscarriage, and the trauma has caused heavy bleeding. She needs surgery right away. If you’re her family member, please sign over here!”

Jodie was so startled that she could mutter, “I-I am her friend, not her family member.”

The nurse quickly responded, “Get her family over as soon as possible then! Someone needs to sign the document before we can start the surgery! It’s urgent!”

Trembling, Jodie took out Margaret’s phone, trying to call Christopher but soon realized the phone was out of battery. She had no choice but to place Margaret’s SIM card into her phone and try to contact Christopher. However, the call got declined. Jodie tried to call again, but the same thing happened.

She started crying as she sent a text message to Christopher: Meg is going to die soon if you don’t answer my call! She’s in the hospital now, bleeding profusely. A family member needs to sign the document before she can undergo surgery. Pick up your phone now!


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