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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Margaret refused to accept either of the choices as she held onto the outerwear tightly.

At the sight of that, Christopher lost all his patience. He took the outerwear she held in front of her chest by force and tossed it on the floor. Then, he threw the phone in front of her and said, “You thought I was gone? Is that why you were so eager to sleep with him?”

Margaret looked down at the phone screen, and she froze when she saw the suggestive picture of her and Jenson.

Never did she imagine that someone would take pictures of the two of them. Not to mention how it would hit the headlines so soon with such an awful title. Not only did she and Jenson end up in a sticky situation, but Christopher also got dragged into it.

People had accused her and Christopher of being in an improper relationship when their relationship was made public. They even managed to find out about the incident where she had taken a stab for him at the school carnival. Some others also suspected that Christopher had ulterior motives for taking her in.


The news had not only put the three of them in the middle of the storm, but it also gave her a bad reputation.

“I’m sorry,” said Margaret as she covered her chest with her hands. Her mind was a mess when she saw the pictures, and she did not know what else she could do but apologize.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Margaret dared not answer the phone, as no one else would call her at a time like that other than Jodie and Jenson.

“Answer it!” ordered Christopher.

Left with no choice, she picked up the phone and answered the call. Jenson’s voice came through the phone as soon as it was connected. “Meg, are you home? I can explain what happened last night. Are you mad? Meg?”

Margaret really wanted to ask Jenson about the incident. However, she could not bring herself to say anything when she saw how cold Christopher’s expression was. Before she even managed to react, Christopher had taken the phone from her and smashed it into the wall.

Margaret cried out in shock as he pushed her onto the bed. He pressed his body against hers, enveloping her with his domineering aura. Terrified, she sobbed and begged, “Please, don’t-”

“I thought you like this? Didn’t you climb into someone else’s bed as soon as I left? I shouldn’t have allowed Jenson to come back if I had known this was going to happen. I should’ve sent him away together with Jodie!”

Christopher’s voice was ice-cold as he restrained Margaret’s hands on top of her head. She was in so much pain that her face was as pale as a sheet, yet he ignored that.

At the same time, she stopped struggling when she heard his words. She looked up at him with a pale face.

At that moment, she had no doubt that Christopher would really do what he said to Jodie and Jenson. No... Jodie and Jenson have nothing to do with this..

Finally, she gave in and said, “Will you let them go if I comply?”

“What did you say?” Christopher froze and looked down at her.

Margaret did not repeat herself because she knew he had heard her.

They were so close to each other that she could feel his breath on her lips. However, his voice was so cold and distant as he said, “Do you think I will touch something someone else had touched?”

Thats right. He thinks Im dirty..

At that instance, Margaret felt as though her heart was ripped apart by his words. She froze at the thought, and she had even forgotten to breathe.

She opened her mouth to try and say something, but nothing came out. Then, Christopher got up with a disgusted look and said, “You’re in no position to negotiate with me.”

With a loud bang, the door was forcefully shut. Margaret jumped at the sound of that. It was the first time in ten years that she felt as though the sky was falling down on her,

It felt as though Christopher’s angry words were still resonating in her ears, and she could not help but feel scared and anxious.


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