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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

Margaret drew a sharp breath as she was feeling the pain. She was about to get herself up from the ground when a shiny pair of custom leather shoes appeared in front of her. Then, Christophers cold voice came from above. You have two minutes.” 

She looked up at him and asked carefully, Can you let them go?” 

She did not notice the hint of disappointment that flashed across his eyes when she said that. After all, that was not what he wanted to hear. You‘re wasting my time if you risked your life chasing after the car just to say this.” 

As soon as he finished his sentence, Christopher got into the car without hesitation. He banged the door shut, and Noah jumped in shock. Cancel next weeks return flight for me. Ill take over the overseas branch office myself.” 

Noah hesitated for a moment when he heard that Mr. Lewis, you wont be able to return in at least three years if you do that. Are you sure?” 

Christopher lay against the seat with his eyes shut and lips pressed into a thin line. Just do as I say.” 

Meanwhile, Margaret remained where she was the entire time. She was in a daze even after the car was long gone. At that moment, she felt an emptiness inside of her. She had a premonition that she had lost everything from that moment onward

Three years later, at the branch office of Lewis Corporation in Walund, someones phone rang in the meeting room all of a sudden. Immediately, everyone froze as they carefully turned to look at the man who was sitting at the head of the table

Mr. Lewis, its yours,whispered the assistant

Hang up,replied the man. He was in an important meeting at the moment, and he seemed a liule annoyed with his assistant for not being sensible enough

However, the assistant explained, Its Mrs. Lewis.” 

Of course, Christopher knew who Mrs. Lewiswas. It was none other than his wife, Margaret

Thus, he took the phone from his assistant and said, The meeting is adjourned for now. Well have a meeting at four in the afternoon. Youre dismissed.” 

Everyone was surprised to hear that. They could not believe their workaholic boss would postpone such an important meeting just because of a call from his wife

Meanwhile, Christopher took the call when he was finally out of the meeting room. A familiar voice came through the phone. Are you busy? II have something to ask 


Margaret spoke very cautiously on the other end of the line. Christopher was curious as to why she was calling him for the first time in the past three years. Speak up.” 

Jo is getting engaged. She and her fiancé are thinking about returning to the country. Can you let her come back?Margaret asked nervously

It turned out that three years ago, Jodie and Jenson had been sent abroad and forbidden from returning to their home country

Margaret knew that Christopher was punishing her by doing that. Thus, she never said anything about it. However, it had been three years. She could not say no to Jodie when the latter asked her to put in a good word for her so that she could return to her home country. Thus, Margaret had no choice but to make the call

Christopher stopped in his tracks when he heard what she said. His expression darkened as he was surprised by the reason she called

Margaret panicked a little when she did not hear a reply. I went to that party of my own accord back then. It had nothing to do with Jo. Theres really no need to vent your anger on her. Cant you let it slide now that she and Jenson had been sent abroad for three years? Im begging you.” 


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