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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Margaret shook her head bitterly in disagreement. “I have never felt that I mean anything at all to you… But I always suppose that the most extreme way to hate someone is merely wishing for that person to die…”

Christopher pinched her chin. Even with very little force of grip from his slender fingers, he could already notice Margaret frowning with pain.

Words coming out from his mouth at the next moment sounded like a death sentence to Margaret. “You are utterly wrong! Dying means you can finally free yourself from suffering, and it seems too easy for you! I would rather see you live so that I can witness how miserable your life turns out! You better keep the desire to die out of your mind from now on!”

Stunned on the spot, Margaret stared at Christopher in disbelief. She knew that he loathed her all along, but his hatred had somehow reached an extent that she had

never expected!

Intrigued by Christopher’s reaction, Margaret swore to get to the root of the plane crash that year. Margaret’s impression of her father had always been favorable, for the latter had been a responsible person, both as a pilot and as a parent. She strongly stood her ground that a dependable pilot like her father would never commit a mistake as severe as flying a plane under the influence of alcohol.

Suddenly, the unbearable tension between Christopher and Margaret was somehow eased by the voice of the secretary who was standing outside of the office. “Mr. Lewis, a man who claims to know you insists on meeting you immediately. The security guard has demanded him to leave, but he is still making a scene at our main entrance.”

Margaret recognized the man. He was Jodie’s father, Zachary Clark.

Margaret begged piteously, “Christopher, please… Just meet him for this time… Do me this favor...”

Hearing this, Christopher released his grasp on Margaret’s chin and answered coldly through his griuled teeth, “Let him in!”

However, before Margaret could breathe a sigh of relief, the words that he spoke at the next instant plunged her into the cold sea again. Sneering at Margaret, Christopher said, “Don’t get me wrong! I agreed to meet him, but I didn’t agree to help him. Who knows, even his last hope would be destroyed after seeing me?”


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