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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 

Zachary was so grateful that he even wanted to kneel before him. Mr. Lewis, thank you... Thank you... I will do my best to get back the materials. Its just a matter of time!” 

A strange feeling surged in Margaret. Actually, Christopher isnt that heartless, is he? She walked inside and put the cup of black tea in front of Christopher. I just made it. Be careful. It is still hot.” 

Christopher didnt look at her. He held the cup of black tea and took a sip

Zachary said to Margaret, Mrs. Lewis, Jos lucky to have befriended you, and so is our family. Ill take my leave now. Thank you.” 

Margaret walked him to the door. She watched Zachary until he disappeared from her sight before she headed back to the office

Before she could recompose herself, Christopher said, Take back those crappy drafts and have Casper redraw them.” 

The corner of Margarets lips twitched. What a temperamental man

Is it... that crappy?She was still a bit doubtful

Christopher shot her a glance. Of course. I have no time to deliberately make things hard for you.” 

She was feeling a bit discouraged. In three more days, it will be the New Years holidays. Even if the whole department worked overtime together until the wee hours of the morning, we still couldnt make it...” 

Christopher said casually, Thats your business.” 

She did not dare to ask for something more. He promised to let the Clark family go, and she was already satisfied with it. She didnt dare to go against him again. Then, Ill be leaving now. Dont be angry and go back home if you want. Anyway, I will be working overtime for the next few days. You wont have to see me, as youll have been asleep by the time I‘m home. Out of sight, out of mind.” 

He frowned. Sensing that things were not right, Margaret took the drafts and left

Back to Soaring Design, Margaret put the drafts on Caspers office desk. Christopher 

said that the drafts were very crappy, and he wanted us to redraw it.” 

Casper was drinking water, and the whole mouthful of water spurted out onto his computer. His heart ached for his computer, and he hurriedly took a piece of tissue paper to wipe it. What the hell? The drafts were crappy? He didnt even go through them thoroughly because he was angry with you, right? My dear Margaret, how many days did he not come back home? Dont you have any idea about it? Do you know you are getting us into trouble? I am innocent!” 

Margaret had doubted this, but it seemed that it was not what they thought of. I have asked, and he said that he had no time making things hard for me. It was just the problem of the drafts.” 

As Casper flipped through the drafts, he gradually fell into a grim mood. These drafts are okay, but if they are for Christopher, they are not good enough. Lets have a meeting first and we start working overtime today. After this, every draft must be checked by me first before being sent out, especially the ones for Christopher!” 

The design department only got off work when it was twelve at midnight

Margaret walked to the entrance and stretched her body. The cold wind caused her to shiver

Everyone else left the company together while discussing where to have their supper. Only Margaret was alone. Luckily, she was already used to it

Suddenly, a car approached her and stopped right in front of her. Noah wound down the window. Mrs. Lewis, please get in the car. Mr. Lewis asked me to fetch you back.” 


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