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Auctioned Mates Revenge novel Chapter 8

#Chapter 8 Home 

Glenda’s POV 

When I walked to the foyer with my bag, Matt was standing there waiting to escort me out of the building. 

He eyed the small canvas bag in my hands and his eyes narrowed, “Is that all?” 

What did he think? That I owned a full wardrobe? I‘m a whore. Clothes were made to make me sell then come off and Larry’s charged extra for closet space. This bag held everything I had managed to keep with me over the past three years. Between several brothels, it wasn‘t much, but it was all mine. 


Matt nodded stiffly, “Let‘s go.” 

Trista looked a bit furious as I passed her, but I paid her no mind, allowing Matt to escort me back to his car.

When the door came down, closing me inside the car, I relaxed with a little sigh. 

I would never see Larry’s again.

Matt climbed into the car beside me, cranked up the engine, and guided the car away from the building. Some song was playing from the radio as he turned on the seat warmers. The warmth eased the tension in my back and watched the city go by

Where was he taking me? Would he put his mistress in another house or in a room in his? Perhaps, he would put me up in some penthouse never to see him again.

That wouldn‘t do. 

Matt was barely older than I was. His father, Ben, was who I needed access to and I couldn’t do that from a separate residence.

Ben knew what had happened to my pack. He was the most likely person behind the attacks.

“Mr. Wallber,” I began carefully. “As I asked to be your only mistress…”

He let out a soft laugh and I held my tongue for what he would say. Maybe that hadn’t been the right approach.

“You must read the news about my long line of girlfriends.”

I had, but I didn’t care about his girlfriends. Let them continue to serve his sexual desires, so long as I got an opportunity to learn the truth

He chuckled again to himself, “Never mind, you‘ll find out.” 

Find out what? His tone was a bit mocking. It would make sense for him to mock my want of any form of exclusivity, but why not just tell me what he meant? I was just a whore whom he happened to owe a favor.

We drove in silence a little longer until I could see the lights of a house in the distance. It wasn’t a manor, by any means, but it wasn’t a normal family-sized house either. He pulled into the circle driveway and got out.

“Welcome home,” he said gesturing to the facade of the house.

It was a charming house, though this close I could guess it had at least six rooms. No matter how nice it looked, it was not the house of the Warhammer pack’s alpha.

“Will I be living with you?” 

“Is that what you want?” He asked, staring at him as if he could read my mind that way.

I smiled, “That‘s... more than I could hope for.” 

“If you’re curious about why it doesn’t seem big enough, I do not live at the pack‘s house. This is my home of choice,” His lips twitched, “Well, our home now.”

I couldn‘t believe my ears. How could this be so easy? Was he an idiot to let some stranger into his home like this or was the Warhammer pack so arrogant to think no one would dare try to use their vices against them?

Maybe there were guards inside that would watch my every move, but it didn’t seem so. He offered his hand and I took it, allowing him to help me out of the low-slung car.

He reached into the back of the car to grab my bag and carried it into the house. It was strange to see him carrying it. I expected a servant to pop out of nowhere to take it. He walked to the front door and tapped a code into the panel. The lock whirred open and I stared at him in shock.


He flashed me a grin, “Did you imagine I lived with my harem?” He pushed the door open and gestured me inside as the lights leading away from the front door spilled light down the hallway. I ducked my head to hide my incredulous smile. 

There were no guards and the bare minimum of a security system. He was either very arrogant, very stupid, or both. My hands twitched with glee. I could just imagine crawling over him in his sleep and smothering him, or slipping something poisonous in his drink over dinner.


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