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Auctioned Mates Revenge novel Chapter 9

#Chapter 9 The Party 

I spent the night awake, watching the dawn rise through the blinds. 

It was the first night in three years I had gone to bed without being touched. The house was quiet all through the night. I kept expecting him to come back, but he didn‘t. 

And that only made me more furious. 

This game he was playing, this act he was putting of kindness was worse than if he just held me down and raped me like everyone else. At least then I wouldn‘t be wondering, 

I’d fall asleep counting just to forget it and I wouldn‘t be so damned confused. 

I pushed that thought away. It was only the first night. The fall of my pack had likely been planned for weeks. Matt was definitely his father’s son, so he was playing a long game to break me.

And wasn‘t I doing the same? 

Sleep pulled at my eyelids and the darkness began to pull me down.

Can you hear me?

I gasped at Alyssa, my wolf’s, voice calling out to me. Alyssa!

She didn’t answer. My heart clenched as I strained to call out to her again and again, but I heard nothing in reply. The same fear and loneliness that had taken over me when she left me before returned.

It had been while I was still recovering from the last john I had there, she told me she couldn’t stay with me.

What do you mean? I asked, terrified. You can’t leave me alone!

If I lost Alyssa, I would have no one.

I can’t stay here, Alyssa said, her voice starting to fade. I can leave some of my strength here so you will heal, but I can’t…

Her voice vanished into a whisper. I screamed for her for hours, but she never responded.

Disappointment filled me, but I took solace in that I heard her voice. That had to mean she was nearby or getting stronger. It had to mean something positive and I was going in the right direction.

I closed my eyes hoping to hear her reply in my dreams.

When I woke up, it was afternoon. My mouth was dry and my eyes were sticky from sleep and tears. I washed my face and stumbled downstairs to try and find something to eat.

I don’t know why I expected a bachelor to have more than booze in the fridge, but I wasn’t surprised to find nothing in the fridge and random snacks in the cabinets.

He said he lived here, but did he? 

“You‘re awake.” I turned to see him walking towards me dressed casually in tailored slacks and a shirt. “Are you hungry? We’ll have to go out to eat.”

His lips twitched, “There’s a party this afternoon. Want to come along?”

A party?I eyed him. It could be an opportunity to get some information.

“An outdoor party.” His lips curved into a smirk, “Maybe there will be a game you like.”

He leaned in close with a teasing smile, “Life and death. You like those kinds of games, right?” 

He was insane. No one liked those sorts of games. They just played them for the thrill or because they had no other choice, like me.

“I don’t have clothes for a party,” I shrugged. “I don‘t think hooker heels and mini skirts are appropriate.”

Not that I had either of those either.

“You are not a prostitute,” he glared at me and closed the fridge door. “Stop saying things like that.”

I didn’t answer, and I didn’t look at him. It was pointless to make him feel like he was winning whatever game he was playing.

“Go get dressed in whatever you have.”

I picked the cleanest t-shirt and jeans I had. My shoes were a bit ragged, but they were comfortable. When I came back down, he didn’t flinch or hesitate to lead me outside and put me in his car.

The engine roared as he rushed away from the house and back into the city. It was so different to see people wandering around on the streets. Once I would have resented their freedom, hating them all for their luck, but that resentment had distilled into a cold hard fury directed at the Warhammer pack, 


He parked in front of a mall that looked like it only did valet service. The man approached the car quickly to let me out and take Matt‘s keys, with a little murmur of a greeting Matt took my hand and led me into a store I didn‘t catch the name of, but a woman appeared seemingly out of nowhere with a bright salesman smile that didn‘t reach her eyes,

For a moment, our eyes met and I swear there was a bit of recognition there, like two captives trying to survive.

“She needs evening wear and everyday clothes. Swimwear and.” 

I wasn‘t listening to the list, but the woman nodded quickly and hurried away after offering us refreshments and a place to sit.

Another woman came to us to measure me, then she was gone again. A few minutes later, the first woman returned with rolling rack clothing. I didn‘t recognize any of the styles, and it hardly mattered. 

I took the clothes and didn‘t argue. The suit was in three pieces, one of them being a sports bra. What sort of party were we going to that required athletic wear? He wasn’t dressed for running around.

Chapter 9 1

Why would we be going to Zag Park of all places? Isn’t that over the Warhammer pack’s territory line? It was probably another weird gathering like the car-stopping game. I ate the meal he‘d bought without much attention to it. It was flavorful and seemed to have a lot of meat on it, but I didn’t know what it was and didn’t want to ask. The highway zipped by as we left the city.

His voice was sincere, but I was suspicious. Had I been talking in my sleep and gave myself away? Was he planning to dump my body here after this weird party? It was late in the afternoon, near evening, when we left his house. Judging by the darkness in the sky, we were probably there.


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