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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 164

Rita immediately scrambled out of bed to call her mom.

Violette, with her hair all over the place, grabbed the first aid kit and rushed into the kids' room.

"Rita, go and sleep with your brother," Violette told her daughter after seeing Makayla's severe fever..

Rita nodded, her eyes concerned, "Mom, did Makayla catch a cold? Should I turn off the air conditioner?"

"No," Violette replied, "There are plenty of reasons for a fever. It's probably not a cold."

The room was perfectly heated, not freezing enough to catch cold.

After sending Rita to Ian's room, Violette returned to Makayla's side.

She took Makayla's temperature and found that she had a high fever. She needed to reduce the fever down immediately.

After feeding her ibuprofen, Violette fetched a basin of lukewarm water from the bathroom to cool her down.

At this time, it was already past three in the morning. Based on her doctor's instinct, Violette was caring her "rival in love".

Once she finished, she sat down by the bed, feeling more and more uncomfortable.

Why was life screwing her over so severely? How was she going to return Makayla?

If she didn't return her soon, Elijah would probably lose his mind.

She didn't enjoy torturing him. Even thinking about it gave her a headache.

In Ian's room.

After Rita got into bed, Ian woke up.

Once Violette left the room, Ian asked Rita, "What's up?"

"Makayla's running a fever. She kept calling for 'brother.'She must miss you. But you were asleep, so I didn't wake you," Rita's voice was tinged with sadness.

Ian reassured her, "Mom's there. she'll be okay."

"Right," Rita tilted her head, let out a sigh, "If I went missing, mom would probably cry her eyes out. And you and grandma would be heartbroken too."

Suddenly, an image of a tall figure popped into Ian's head, "Mom has a husband."

Rita's eyes widened, "What? Who's mom's husband? Is it Kaleb Bourne?"


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