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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 165

Opening the door, Makayla exclaimed in an uncomfortable low voice, "Brother... Brother"

Both kids furrowed their brows and rushed to her bedside.

Makayla's cheeks were flushed red, her skin burning hot.

"She's got a fever again! I'm going to get Mom!" Rita immediately ran to inform Violette.

Ian held Makayla's flailing hand, trying to soothe her, "Makayla! Don't be scared!"

Hearing his voice, Makayla's eyes fluttered open.

She saw her brother!

Her brother was here with her!

"Brother hold me" Makayla cried and acted like a baby.

Her body was so hot, she was in so much discomfort she felt like she was dying.

Ian was helpless. The size difference between them was too significant. How was he supposed to hold her?

He could only wait for mom to come and relieve her fever.

"Brother, why won't you hold me? Don't you want me anymore?" Makayla's tears rolled down her cheeks, and her cries heartbreaking.

Ian looked so much like Elijah, so she mistook Ian for Elijah.

Hearing that Makayla had a fever again, Violette hurried over.

How could you have such a bad fever? "Violette raised her hand and tested the temperature on Makayla's forehead. The fever was even worse than it was after 3am." No, we need to go to the hospital to have the cause checked

Staring at Makayla's red face and devastated expression, Rita asked fearfully, "Mom, is she going to die?"

"Rita, don't be scared. Mom is going to take her to the hospital." Violette comforted her daughter and gave Makayla some fever-reducing medicine.

Albina Palmer had gotten up and seeing the situation immediately stepped forward.

"Violette, shall we call an ambulance?"

Violette hesitated for a moment, her heart becoming increasingly entangled and painful.,

If they called an ambulance, it wouldn't be long before someone recognized Makayla and notified Elijah.

Once Elijah took Makayla away, he would hand her over to Sarah.


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