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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 25

"I had a friend who needed a nanny to take care of her grandkid... and the pay was really good. I thought, well, it's still a job, so I gave it a try. Today's my third day, and it's not bad. I can make ten grand a month!"

"Your dad's gone, and he didn't leave you much. I can't hold you back." Albina added.

Tears streamed down Violette's face.

"Your old friend, they're pretty rich, huh?" Her voice was already a bit hoarse, and it became even more so as she cried, "Being a nanny for an old friend... must be really hard, right?"

"Not really! As long as I can make money, I'm happy. Pride does not bring you money, right? Besides, rich people aren't always rich, and poor people aren't always poor. Maybe I'm not as rich as my friend now, but who knows, maybe my daughter will make big money in the future?"

Albina handed her a few tissues to wipe her tears.

"Mom... you don't have to work. I can work part-time... I can start working next year..." Violette sobbed.

"How can you work now that you're pregnant? Violette, if you really want to have this baby, this isn't the way. Albina frowned, puzzled, "Why doesn't Elijah want the baby? That's his flesh and blood!"

"He's got someone he likes."

"Really? Then why doesn't he marry her?" Albina's face turned pale, her heart aching for her daughter.

"I don't know."

"It's alright, don't be scared. If necessary, we'll hide and have the baby without him knowing."

Albina hugged her and gently patted her shoulder.


Three days later.

Violette got a call from Kaleb

, who asked her to meet up.


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