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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 26

Kill him?

Violette frowned.

She hated Elijah, but she had never thought about killing him.

Even when she lost the baby, she never had that idea.

Besides, could she really kill him?

Seeing Violette's hesitation, Kaleb said, "My uncle is on a business trip now. You can go back and think about it. Violette, as long as you can kill Elijah, I can marry you right away. I can give you everything you want. I've already talked to my parents about us, and they fully support me."

Kaleb was sincere and his eyes were earnest.

When she was dating him before, she had always hoped to be recognized by his parents, b

ut he never wanted to make their relationship public.

Now, she didn't need anyone's approval anymore.

"What if it fails?" Violette asked him, "If he finds out I'm trying to kill him, do you think he'll let me live? Kaleb, you never were a real man, and you still aren't. If you want to kill him, do it yourself. If you can't bear the consequences of a failed plan, don't do something illegal!"

Kaleb's expression froze, not expecting her to refuse.

"It won't fail. We'll poison him. You just need to feed him the poison, and there won't be any trouble afterward. My grandma will definitely be devastated, and my dad will take care of it..."

"If it's so foolproof, do it yourself! He goes back to Old Manor once a week. You can poison him when he's there." Violette suggested.

Kaleb was stunned.

"Kaleb, I don't think you've been beaten enough." Violette looked at him and bluntly said, "Elijah is your uncle, how can you even think about hurting your own family?"

"Ha, Violette, I treat him as my uncle, but he never treated me like a nephew."


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