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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 344

Silverleaf Ridge.

Fresh out of the shower, Violette saw her phone ringing and immediately picked it up.


“Violette, why was your phone off all morning?" Adrian asked anxiously.

“My phone died. I just charged it." Violette said with a hint of guilt, "Are you calling about Kylee?”

“Yeah, Kylee was worried you might be pissed."

“I'm not pissed." Violette replied, "Just think it's a bit troublesome for him. I'll give him a call later."

“Good." Adrian sighed in relief, "I almost went to your house when I couldn't get hold of you this morning. I called Mike, he said you weren't home... where were you?"

Caught off guard by the question, Violette quickly found an excuse, "I was out for a morning jog."

“Oh... indeed, moderate exercise is necessary. The issues at your company should be resolved this time, right? No matter what happens, you need to keep your spirits up. A healthy body is the most important thing." Adrian comforted.

“Thanks, Adrian! I owe you a meal."

“Haha, when you're free, I'll treat you."


After the call, she picked out an outfit from her wardrobe and got dressed. As soon as she came downstairs, Odette ran towards her.

“Violette! You wouldn't believe how juicy the drama was today!" Odette lamented, "If I had known Elijah would call off the wedding, I should've gone to the hotel with Ramsey! They say Sarah ran out of the banquet hall sobbing, in her high heels!”

Violette could picture the scene in her head, but she couldn't muster a smile. Sarah must hate her guts now!

“Violette, I got you lunch, drop by the office this afternoon. Gotta run." Mike pointed at the lunch on the table.


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