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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 345

Kylee: "No worries. Even if he finds me, I won't spill the beans. You can count on me!"

"Alright. Just focus on your rehabilitation training. I can't wait to see you back on stage."

"I'll give it my all!"



Kylee, at his villa on the hillside, received an unexpected visitor. He didn't expect Elijah to find him so quickly.

Accompanying Elijah was a lady.

"Kylee, nice to meet you. Sorry for the sudden intrusion." Elijah politely began, "I've been looking for you for a while now. If it wasn't for your post on social media this morning, I might still be searching."

Kylee responded with equal politeness, "May I know what brings Mr. Bourne here?"

Elijah glanced at Makayla and then said, "Makayla, there's a cat over there, why don't you go take a look?"

Makayla, accompanied by a bodyguard, went to find the cat.

Elijah's gaze returned to Kylee, "She's my sister, born with intellectual disabilities."

Kylee was stunned.

"My sister is adorable, and kind." Elijah's eyes were moist, his voice husky, "If you knew what she's been through, you'd understand what I mean."

He handed a few photos to Kylee.


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