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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 41

Elijah was always indifferent to others in his life. So, whenever he showed a little bit of care for someone, everyone around assumed he's fallen for that person.

But the kind of love she longed for should be about mutual respect, not one person having total control over the other.

When the car arrived at the Bourne family's place, the bodyguard walked over to Elijah first.

He was probably worried about Elijah getting pissed, so he explained, "Ms. Dennis told me in the car just now that what she said last night was all to test the lie detector."

Violette was changing her shoes slowly at the door, also eavesdroping.

"She also said she didn't mean to make you angry," the bodyguard continued.

Elijah: "Can't she say it herself? Why did she have to ask you to tell me?"

The bodyguard backed off immediately, giving her a fierce warning look.

It's as if he's saying, if you don't make my boss happy, I won't let you off the hook!

Violette took one step at a time towards Elijah.

After sitting down across from the sofa, she gathered her courage, ready to speak.

"Did you go to the singles party?" he asked first.

Violette: "Huh? Was that a singles party? I didn't know. I just knew there were rich people there. I was looking for investors."

Elijah frowned, "Did you find any investors?"

"No. I was there for less than ten minutes before your bodyguard called me out."

Elijah: "Are you blaming me?"

Violette was kind of hungry, so she took an apple from the fruit plate and bit it: "If I blame you, can you give me money?"

"In your dreams."

"So I won't ruin my good mood because of you."

"Is your good mood because you fired your deputy general manager and the backbone of the R&D department today?" Elijah said.

Violette's apple-biting motion paused, and she stared at him, "Elijah, do you like me?"

Why else would he investigate her every move?

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere became awkward.


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