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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 42

Violette was mulling over in her mind. If that woman wasn't dead, would she be considered the other woman right now?

If that woman was dead, would she just be a replacement for her?

Either way, it was pretty sad.

As Violette's thoughts wandered, Elijah's mind also drifted elsewhere.

"Violette, tell me what you liked about Kaleb!" He pulled out a cigarette pack, his expression hard to read.

"I don't like him anymore." Violette's voice was a bit muffled.

If she hadn't just cleared things up with him, she might have continued to use Kaleb to annoy him.

Even though that behavior was childish,

Elijah always lost his temper with her over little things.

If she didn't do something to fight back, she'd go crazy.

"So you stopped liking him because you realized he's a loser?" He held the cigarette between his fingers, not lighting it.

"Is there anything in your eyes besides money?" Violette asked him back. "When Kaleb was pursuing me, he wrote me love poems every day. Every weekend, he would take me to art exhibitions and concerts. We talked about beautiful things..."

"Beautiful things? I think it's foolish and ridiculous! It's because his mind was full of how to pick up girls that his career went downhill." Elijah interrupted her in a deep voice. "This kind of beauty is foolish and ridiculous!"

Violette: "Elijah, were you born this mature and successful? When I was fifteen, I only liked handsome boys. At sixteen, I liked boys with good grades. At seventeen, I liked boys who were good at basketball, and at eighteen, I liked talented boys..."

"I liked Kaleb before, and even if I hate him now, I can't pretend that what happened before never happened."

"Shut up!" Elijah snapped the cigarette in half between his fingers. "Get back to your room!"

Violette pursed her lips and got up from the couch.

She didn't go back to her room because she was hungry.

She headed straight to the dining room.

"Lacey, is there any food?"

Her casual demeanor made it seem as if someone else had just argued with Elijah.

Lacey immediately prepared dinner for her.

As she sat down in the dining room and unlocked her phone, she saw a message from Odette.


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