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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 540

In the ICU of the hospital, Adrian's body was swathed in thick bandages, only his swollen eyes visible, bulging with bloodshot streaks. His fingers were also wrapped up, clearly missing a segment.

Rita and Ian weren't allowed in, with bodyguards watching them from the door.

Makayla followed in, her bright eyes landing on the figure on the bed. She stared hard, but failed to recognize who it was.

"Who... who is this?" she whispered, as if scared to disturb the patient.

Mike glanced back at her, realization hitting him that she was shocked. He guided her towards the door, "That's Adrian, Makayla. You better leave for now..."

Makayla's composure shattered. She pushed Mike away, quickly walking to the bedside, her tears falling like rain.

"Adrian! Adrian, what happened to you? Who did this to you?" Makayla tried to hold his hand but afraid of hurting him further, she could only clutch at the blanket, "The sunflower you gave me last time... you said it would bring me hope. Can I give that hope back to you?"

Elijah listened to his sister's anguished cries, his emotions a tangled mess. He never expected Adrian to be in such a state. No matter their relationship, seeing him like this would hurt anyone. And for Violette, Adrian was an important person.

He wasn't sure how heartbroken Violette would be if she saw Adrian like this. He suddenly remembered their encounter at the airport. If his pleas had made her miss her flight to B Country, causing Adrian's death, she would hate him for sure!

Luckily, she had stood her ground, and it didn't lead to such a grave consequence. For him, he'd rather owe her than let her get hurt again.

But with her current predicament, how could he ensure her safety? Would her fate be worse than Adrian's? Could their baby survive in such a dangerous environment? Sweat broke out on his forehead at the thought.

"Makayla, stop crying. He needs to rest now." Elijah grabbed Makayla's wrist, leading her out of the room. They had to secure the two kids and Makayla first, then figure out how to rescue Violette.


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