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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 541

Mike said, "Hey, who are you looking for here? This is B Country, do you know your way around?"

Elijah replied, "Money talks, buddy, and that's a universal language. As long as I'm willing to pay, there'll always be people willing to work for me!"

Mike was a bit taken aback by his confidence, obediently stepping out of the driver's seat. But Mike couldn't resist a jab, "Remember back at the airport, when Violette ignored you? I bet you cried, didn't you? Wish I had filmed that..."

"Get lost!" Elijah shot him a frosty glance before slamming the car door shut.

White villa.

Upon waking up, Violette received Adrian's medical report. The list of injuries on his body filled several pages. It took Violette a good while to read through it all.

"Ms. Dennis, he's not dead. He'll recover after some rest," the woman monitoring Violette said coldly.

Adrian was indeed out of immediate danger, but his body was wrecked. Many of his injuries were irreversible. Like that severed finger that couldn’t be reattached. His vision would definitely be affected. And many wounds would leave ugly scars.

Violette wanted to cry, but it seemed like she was all out of tears.

"Ms. Dennis, I suggest you ditch that long face. Men don't find it attractive. If you want to survive here, you'll need to learn how to read Silver King's moods."


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