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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 61

"Of course I know him! We used to get wasted together all the time! Derek and Melinda are super close, didn't he tell you?" Brandon emphasized.

Violette's eyes widened in surprise, "He said they're just friends."

"He's pulling the wool over your eyes, Ms. Dennis. You gotta think hard about why he suddenly wants to invest in you. Is he trying to scam you?"

Violette: "You mean, this is some kind of trap?"

Brandon shook his head, "All I'm saying is you gotta look at the whole picture. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. You just had a clash with Melinda not long ago, and now Derek wants to invest in you, aren't you scared?"

Violette: "I am scared."

Brandon nodded, "You gotta think this through... Let's eat first. Elijah, I'm done talking to your wife, you can come over now."

Violette felt awkward hearing the word 'wife'.

After sitting down, Elijah went to the other side to sit.

Brandon brought over the drinks that were already prepared at the bar.

"Ms. Dennis, would you like a drink?" Brandon put down the bottle and brought out three wine glasses.

Violette shook her head, "I don't drink. I have to write a paper tonight."

"Oh, in that case, I'll drink with Elijah..." After pouring drinks for himself and Elijah, Brandon said to Violette, "Elijah got wasted a few days ago, lucky you were there."

Violette choked, "I didn't take care of him, he just slept it off."

"True, Elijah can hold his liquor and he's quiet when he's drunk." Brandon said, "He doesn't like expressing his feelings much..."

Violette: "I think he's pretty expressive! He gets angry when he's unhappy. I've never seen anyone who loves expressing their feelings more."

Brandon didn't know how to respond.

Elijah's face turned dark instantly.

"Let's eat." She noticed his change in expression, quickly picked up her bowl, and stuffed her mouth with food.

In less than five minutes, she put down her utensils and left.


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