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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 62

Could it be that she spent all the money they scammed?!

But they took so much money, how could it be spent so fast?

Violette took a deep breath and answered the phone.

Before she could speak, Sabrina screamed from the other side, "Violette! Is Dad's SuperBrain System with you?! Bring it to me now!"

Sabrina's voice was shaky and sounded like she was scared.

Violette's anger ignited, "Sabrina, how dare you call me?! Your uncle took my dad's money, do you know that's a crime?! The police are already investigating!"

"What's it got to do with me?! I didn't take the money! I just want Dad's SuperBrain System! Violette, bring it to me now! You have to give it to me tonight!" Sabrina's voice became more and more shrill.

Violette frowned as she listened to the noise on the other end of the phone.

"Sabrina, where are you?!"

Sabrina burst into tears, "Violette! Help! I'm at a casino with Kaleb Bourne... he's being held captive... if you don't bring Dad's new system, they'll chop off his fingers!"

"A casino?! You guys are gambling?" Violette's face turned pale.

She never knew that Kaleb gambled!

"What's the point of saying that?! I told you to bring Dad's new system to save his life, didn't you hear me? Do you want Kaleb's fingers chopped off?! Don't you love him anymore?" Sabrina accused.

Violette was already at the door when she suddenly heard Sabrina say this, and she stopped in her tracks.

"Have some shame, you two! Even if all the men in the world were dead, I wouldn't give Kaleb a second glance! He gambled and lost, that's why he's being held, right? So just help him pay back the money! Your uncle took billions from my dad, it's not like Kaleb could lose that much, right?!"

Violette spoke as she walked to the bathroom.

Feeling a bit dizzy, she needed to wash her face and wake up.

Sabrina yelled frantically, "The money my uncle took didn't go to me! And they just want Dad's new system! Wasn't it you who told them you gave the new system to Kaleb?! You never actually gave it to him, why did you tell them you did? You did it on purpose, didn't you?!"

She hadn't expected Reaves to act so quickly.


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