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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 63

She knew that Elijah was aware of everything she said on the lie detector.

Could he really be Elijah?

Did Elijah really want the Dennis Group's new system?

At this thought, she started to sweat on her back.

After hanging up the phone, she walked out of the room.

Elijah and Brandon had finished their dinner, and they were smoking in the living room.

Brandon saw her coming and immediately snuffed out his cigarette in the ashtray.

"Ms. Dennis, wanna come over and chat?"

Violette nodded and walked towards Brandon.

When she approached Brandon, she said, "I want to talk to Elijah alone."

Brandon choked.

Did she mean for him to leave?

Awkwardly, he stood up, "I'll leave you two alone. You can go for a walk outside, the weather is great."

With that, he left.

Violette sat in Brandon's spot, thinking of how Kaleb might get hurt and blurted out, "Kaleb just called me, saying he's at the casino and being detained. They want to hurt him."

Elijah was aware of this.

He had received a message from the casino.

They said Kaleb had been gambling big tonight.


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