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Back and Better book novel Chapter 21

Chapter Twenty One “Interrogation”

Amira POV I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I’m a f*****g white wolf. A badass. It’s okay to show that. Torturing people isn’t okay.

I rock Meda back and forward, struggling with my own internal battle. Do I go to the dungeons and help torture? I know that I’m good at it, but I’m trying to stow away the crazy psycho b***h within me because of the precious life currently in my arms.

“Even when frowning you’re gorgeous,” I hear Erebus say from behind me. I spin around and narrow my eyes at him.

“What are you doing here?”.

“I was going to offer to take Meda while you go speak to the prisoners. By speak, I mean interrogate. By interrogate, 1 mean torture. Damon wanted to be set loose on them, but he’d cut off their d***s and make them eat it, so I figured sending you in would be the first option.”

I let out a breath. I’m not exactly known for my mercy, either.” I admit.

Erebus shrugs. “You have to do what you have to do. Now, may I see Meda? I want to be able to hold at least one of my baby girls.”

A pleasant shiver goes down my spine at the insinuation, but I stop it. I’m not ready to give into Erebus yet, but over the last day and a half since the rogue attack, he’s proven himself. He’s been incredibly kind, caring, and supportive. Even Meda’s warming up to him.

I give him a small smile.

“You know how to get her formula ready, it’s about time for that. Remember to warm it under water from the tap, not in the microwave.”

“Of course.” He confirms, gently taking Meda. “Christian and Damon are in the basement. Go, our little girl will be well taken care of.” I hate myself for loving it when my mates use the words “our little girl.” I hate how right it feels. I nod at Erebus before making my way towards the basement, breathing deeply.

My moral side is yelling at me, telling me not to torture. That I need to be my best self for Meda. The rest of me knows that torture is the best way to get information, which is exactly what I need right now.

Apparently rogues haven’t been forthcoming with answers.

I take a deep breath, and neutralize my features as I head into the dungeon. Christian meets me at the door and pulls me into a passionate kiss, kneading my ass for a few moments. When I try to pull away he spanks me and pulls me flush against him, reminding me that he’s in charge, and I melt into him. Let him dominate and take control.

When he’s finally done and pulls away I’m breathless, causing him to chuckle and kiss my forehead. “Good girl” he praises.” “Alright. Now that you have that out of your system, show me where the rogues are.”

“Well, in terms of the initial ten we took… six committed suicide. They had wolfsbane pills hidden in their clothes, and took them as soon as they could. Then Damon got pissed and beat two of them to death, so now we only have two left. But these two seem to be the most important ones.”

Damon beat two of them to death? I’m well aware of his reputation of cruel and unusual punishments, but I try to stay away. I don’t like seeing that side of him.


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