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Back and Better book novel Chapter 22

Chapter Twenty Two “Consequences”

I hold Meda, while Christian explains to Erebus what happened, and Damon gets ready to change Meda’s diaper. I’m normally pretty shy about letting anyone other than me care for Meda, but the men have been fantastic with her.

Everyone is looking sexy as f**k, and I’m practically drooling at the sigh. Christian is frowning slightly while relaying everything.

Essentially, the rogues revealed that they’re, as I suspected, part of a much larger organization. An actual pack of rogues, who’s alpha is after my powers. The intention of sending ten rogues was to scout out how protected I was. Needless to say, as soon as my mates found this out, they went ballistic. I was kicked out while Damon and Christian beat the strong rogue to death, beat the weak rogue to the brink of death before sending him back and telling him to relay

the message “you touch her, you die.”

Damon holds out his arms for Meda and I gently hand her over, watching with respect as he flawlessly changes her diaper. She even smiles and laughs a little bit, looking at all three men who look at her with adoration before her eyes land on me, and she raises her arms at me.

“Hi baby girl!” I say in my ‘baby’ voice, the voice used for babies and dogs. I walk over to her and pick her up, holding her forehead to mine for a moment, loving her squeal of delight.

Later that night I’m stepping out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel when I see Damon sitting in my bed. I can tell he’s in full dom mode, and it gets me wet as f**k immediately.

“Drop the towel” he commands, and I obey without pause. “Good girl. Now, touch yourself.” I freeze. He wants me to do… what? “Touch yourself. Masturbate.” I stutter. I’ve never m*********d before, or watched porn, por “… I haven’t- I haven’t ever m*********d” I admit. Damon lets out a groan.

“Come here, babygirl. Come to daddy.” | swallow, slowly walking towards him. When I’m in front of him I instinctually cover my breasts, but he pulls my arms away.


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