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Back and Better book novel Chapter 7

Chapter Seven “I’m not your Luna”

Amira POV

“You prick! I can flipping walk!” I tell Damon, but he ignores me and keeps walking until we’re at our lockers. The twins follow behind, smirking at me. When he finally sets me down I grab’my backpack out of my locker.

I managed to stuff it in there right before the silly prank I attempted to play, that got a bit out of hand. “We’re still getting you back for that later” Derick warns.

“Whatever you need to tell yourself, sweetie” I say, pinching his cheek. He swats away my hand and I turn on my heel to get to my first period- AP English.

I walk in like I own the place, just to be stopped by the teacher- Gina. I’ve always been on a first name basis with all of my instructors “Ah, new student Care to introduce yourself?” She asks.

“Sure” I say pleasantly, laughing internally that she doesn’t remember me. She is one of the teachers I left a letter to.

“Alright class, listen up. We have a new student here who’s going to introduce herself.” Gina states.

  • I briefly glance around the room to analyze it, as I do in any room I walk into. With one glance l identify the internal structure, possible threats, potential hiding spots, etc. Being a white wolf gives me all the necessary reflexes.

“Hi. All of you actually know me, but I’ve changed. My name is Amira Warner. I’m 17 years old. I was bullied by all of you until I attempted to slit my wrists about a year and a half back. The Alpha of the Blood Warrior pack found me while I was bleeding out and his family adopted me. Now I’m back to train the pathetic warriors of this pack.”

*Amira?” Gina whispers. I turn to her and smile. “Hey, Gina. I’ve missed you.” She pulls me into a tight hug “My heavens, I’ve missed you too. Never leave like that again!” I pull away and smile. “Duly noted.” “Luna” the entire class says in unison, bowing their heads. I laugh lightly.

“Oh my goodness! You guys think I’d lend my help to this pack after how I was treated? Oh boy, that’s priceless. No, you don’t deserve my help. You guys can figure out your.S**t on your own. The selfless and kind girl I was died when I slit my wrists. This pack can crumble for all I care. Of course the few that treated me well, and my family even though they don’t deserve it, are welcome to come join Blood Warriors. But the rest of you? Kindly brass off.”

“Well, boy am I glad I transferred into your class” I hear Derick say from the doorway. He comes in and drapes an arm around my shoulder.

“Hello, Red River pack. I’m Derick, brother to Amira. Not by blood, but by adoption.” “My real brother” I add. He smiles and kisses my cheek, eliciting a growl from Erebus in the back.

“Alright. You two can take a seat wherever.” Gina says. Derick and I walk to the back row. I take the corner seat by the window and he takes the one next to me. I pull out my laptop and get ready to start taking notes.

When class ends I accidentally push over my backpack and it’s contents spill onto the floor. “Aw, shit.” I say. Derick bends to help but I tell him that I’ve got it and I’ll see him at lunch.

Once I finish I start going to AP history, mumbling about how clumsy I still am, when suddenly a pair of arms grab me and push me against a wall. I look up and into the eyes of Erebus.

“What?” I ask in an annoyed tone. “You’re mine, and I love you.” He responds as if it’s the most simple thing in the world.

“Man, that must be a shitty feeling. Loving someone who will never love you back.” I comment lightly before shoving him off of me.

“Mate. Mine.” Erebus growls, making a grab for me. I shove him away and swiftly create an orb of fire in my hands.

“Ever been hit by an orb of fire? It hurts like a b***h. Leave me alone or you’ll find out exactly how unpleasant it is.” |

-unti rrun uv juu piui VI vvllly vui !” juuu niven yuu. “Want to bet?” I ask, loosing my patience. “Yes. I do.” Instead of beating the s**t out of him, a smile forms on my face.

“Okay. Meet me in the training field behind the packhouse after school.” I say in an upbeat tone. He frowns slightly

“Okay…” “Bye!” With that, I turn and walk away.

The rest of school is fairly dull, other than reuniting with my favorite teachers and the principal. As soon as I get home I change straight into a training outfit. I go with a loose white crop top, white shorts, and black sneakers, with a black hoodie to top everything off in case I get cold.

I trot into the back yard, ready to teach my dickwad of a mate a lesson. I bump into Damon on the way. “Where are you running off to? Training doesn’t start for another ten minutes.” “To teach dickwad a lesson” I say with a sweet smile. “Jason! Derick! Go with Amira to make sure she doesn’t kill Erebus!” Damon calls out.


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