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Back and Better book novel Chapter 8

Chapter Eight “Weak”

Training goes by, and all it displays is that the pack is truly pathetic and weak.

I don’t think it would be wise for me to attend trainings for now, because I know that I would spend the entire training insulting my old pack. They aren’t ready to be trained by me yet, and I would spend the training time yelling at them.

Once the initial session is complete and we send the pack members home, I call a meeting with Damon and Erebus to let them know that it wouldn’t be wise for me to attend trainings until the fuckers are ready for me to go in on them.

I’m planning on going for a run soon, before heading to the shopping mall with Antha.

I’m also going to drop the news that I’m planning on staying in a hotel from now on in order to distance myself from the pack, so that I don’t start any fights or strike anyone down.

As Damon, Erebus and I enter the forest in an uncomfortable silence, I decide to break it.

“Alright, I have a few things to say. If both of you can be quiet until the end, I would appreciate that. First of all, I f*****g hate this pack. Because of that fact I’m going to stay away from trainings until the wolfs are ready to be trained by me, otherwise I know all I’ll do is insult everyone. I’ll join trainings once everyone’s at a skill level where they’re ready for my training. Second of all, I can’t stay in the packhouse. It brings back too many memories, and frankly I don’t have time for such bullshit. So I will be staying in a hotel likely for the remainder of my stay in the pack. I don’t know if Samantha will join me yet, I’ll take that up with her. Third of all, and most importantly, Erebus- instruct your pack to stop calling me Luna. I am not and never will be Luna of this pack. I have more substantial and important things to do with my time rather than help the people who drove me to suicide. If either of you have any concerns or comments, now is the time to say them. I will not listen later.”

Damon speaks first.

“I think that’s fair. I don’t love the idea of you staying in a hotel alone, so I might send the twins with you or join you myself. Either way I’ll rent out a few rooms in case any of us want to join you from time to time.” —Inod in acknowledgement of Damon’s terms. Then I turn to Erebus, who has been eerily quiet. His face is a neutral and impassive mask, but something tells me that it’s a façade.

“Erebus, if you have an issue, I’m giving you the chance to discuss it now. I won’t listen later.” He makes eye contact with me before uttering the one word that I can’t stand when it is directed at me. “No.” Simply stated, with a thousand meanings behind it. I clap my hands together behind my back, halting mid-step. “Explain yourself.”

Erebus flashes a smile at me. “I said no, Amira. I am not okay with this. The training I suppose I can understand. But the hotel? No. You are my mate and I want you near me so that I can protect you. And asking me to inform the pack to not call you Luna? Not happening. You are my Luna, my queen, and my everything. We will be together and mate. The sooner you accept that the better.”

I scoff. “That’s not your f*****g choice, Erebus! Or have you not noticed that I feel absolutely nothing towards you? The only way I’ll ever feel anything for you is if you mark me, and I’d rather die than have that. I go where I want, when I want, with who I want. And you know why that is? It’s that way because nobody can f*****g stop me! So get over your little fantasy of us ever being a thing! I’ll try to commit suicide again before agreeing to be with you.”

“Who says you have to agree? And I have no problem putting you on suicide watch, so don’t even think about offing yourself. You are too precious to this world to lose.”

“Are you insinuating that you’re going to mark my sister without her permission?” Damon asks dangerously.

“I’m insinuating that it’s a solid possibility if she doesn’t accept me in the rather near future!” Erebus snaps in return.

I’m about to intervene when I hear the cry of a little girl in the distance. Without pause my motherly instincts kick in and I run in the direction of the cries.

Ever since I shifted for the first time I’ve had a very strong motherly streak. When it comes to kids I always feel some sort of responsibility to make sure that they are alright.

“Hi, sweetheart. Are you alright?” I question. She sniffles. She looks to be about six years old or so.

“My mama told me I could go play so I came here. I got lost and wanted to climb a tree to be able to see where home is, but fell off and my ankle hurts” she says, stuttering over her words.

I get closer to her and sit down next to her. “Can I take a look at your ankle?” I ask quietly. She nods at me, a few more tears escaping.

“Is it okay if you sit in my lap?” I ask her. With kids I always communicate carefully and clearly, so to make sure that I don’t scare them accidentally. With another sniffle she offers me a shy nod. I carefully scoop her up and sit her on my lap before rolling up her pants and taking a look at her ankle.

Ouch. It’s definitely sprained, but thankfully not broken. “What’s your name?” I ask her. “Ariel” she tells me, tears streaming down her face.

“Okay, Ariel. Is it okay if I take you to the packhouse and your parents can pick you up from there?” I ask her with a gentle smile. Upon her nod I scoop her up. When I look up from her I see Damon and Erebus looking at me, Erebus staring with his jaw dropped.

“You’re going to be the perfect mother to our pups” he tells me with a wide smile. Although I’d love to curse at him, 1 decide against it.


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