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Capturing the Millionaire’s Heart on Divorce Day novel Chapter 208

"Got a bit of insider news for you."

At precisely ten-thirty on Wednesday morning, Michael sauntered into President Grant's office.

Ethan, buried in the day's tasks, didn't look up. "Go ahead."

"Air China's General Manager is stepping down soon. Qin is retiring," Michael settled into a chair.

Ethan was aware of this.

But what did Air China's affairs have to do with him?

Though competitors, there had been no direct conflicts between Air China and Mukino International. Boundaries were naturally respected; both parties were busy with their endeavors, causing no disturbances, living in harmony.

Michael continued, "Do you know who’s taking over? It’s not the deputy manager."

Only then did Ethan look up, peering over his anti-blue light glasses at Michael.

After a moment, he ventured, "Nepotism?"

Michael snapped his fingers, "Smart. His son."

"He’s no backdoor hire; it’s all legit. His son's returning from abroad, about your age, previously with Increate. Rumor has it, and mind you, it’s just a rumor, that he's one of Increate’s five major shareholders. Young and successful, quite the powerhouse." Michael spoke earnestly.

Hearing 'Increate,' Ethan paused momentarily before resuming his work.

Michael rambled on, "Increate's a behemoth in North American civil aviation, dominating nearly all private airlines. Their Air China is but a minor player in their presence. One of the five major shareholders, that's seriously elite, the cream of the crop."

"I pray his focus doesn’t shift to Mukino International once he’s in charge; he’d definitely be a thorn in your side, especially since you’re eyeing expansion into North America. If he decides to obstruct, that's big trouble."

Michael, a lawyer by trade, habitually planned for all eventualities.

Another thing — Michael's intuition was uncannily accurate.

Ethan set his work aside, leaning back in his chair, taking a sip of water.

"If you were him, what would your first move be after taking control of Air China?" Ethan inquired.

"Generate buzz," Michael analyzed. "Currently, Mukino’s momentum has overshadowed Air China, all thanks to Madison. He’d surely want to establish Air China as the top dog first. After that..."

Michael paused, then added, "I think he’ll try to poach Madison and Old Song. They’re the faces propelling Mukino towards international status. Who wouldn't want that? You’d want them too, right?"

Ethan remained silent, contemplating.

After a while, he said, "If I were him, I wouldn't rush to act."


At Air China's headquarters.

One week before the new manager's tenure — today, to be precise.

Qin Hualin visited his father's office, where Mr. Qin briefed him on Air China's current state and highlighted Mukino Airlines.

"How do you plan to proceed? I can set things in motion before I leave," Mr. Qin offered.

Qin Hualin flipped through Mukino Airlines' profile.

After a moment, he stated, "Hold off for now."

Mr. Qin was puzzled, "Stand down? Mukino Airlines is currently overshadowing Air China. The general administration made a point of discussing this, hinting at the urgency to suppress Mukino’s surge."

Qin Hualin shook his head, "It’s not that simple. Mukino has been laying low for years, and every recent move has been calculated to build their momentum. Suppression is easier said than done. What’s keeping them afloat are those two pilots with S-class licenses. They're the key."

"The likelihood of poaching them is slim," Mr. Qin noted. "One is the girlfriend of Mukino’s Chairman, and the other is ex-military with a close rapport."

"Then we won't poach," Qin Hualin closed the dossier, unfazed, "Devaluing them is also a tactic."


At this juncture, no one could afford hasty actions.


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