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Capturing the Millionaire’s Heart on Divorce Day novel Chapter 209


Madison’s twitching eyelid had been a harbinger of something amiss, but Lucas was the last person she’d expected to be stirring up trouble again.

After sending her location to William, Madison turned her icy gaze towards Amelia.

Feeling the chill from Madison’s stare, Amelia set her phone down, her scalp tingling with apprehension. “What’s up? I didn’t cause any trouble, did I?”

It was rare for Madison to flash such a cold look.

“Your brother is making waves for me again.”


A notification chime interrupted them, making the group jump.

Jessica glanced at the pop-up message and nearly leaped out of her seat.

[Notorious CEO's Girlfriend Accused of Matrimonial Fraud]

The headline alone was infuriating, and to Jessica's horror, it mentioned Mukino International!

Someone dared to tarnish her brother's name and slander her sister-in-law!

Not only Jessica noticed it, but Amelia did too, although Madison had not checked her phone.

Amelia quickly turned off Jessica’s phone screen and said with feigned nonchalance, “So… when will William arrive? I’m exhausted, aren’t you tired, Captain Madison?”

Even in her nervousness, she addressed Madison formally—a sign of the gravity of the situation with Lucas, her brother. A trace of guilt lingered, despite her reluctance to acknowledge their kinship.

As the car with a license plate that could cut across Slandon Harbor arrived at the restaurant, a trail of well-trained bodyguards followed.

William entered with a stern face and said to Madison, “Captain Madison, please come with me.”

The solemn entourage and atmosphere kept Jessica and Amelia silent. They obediently settled into Ethan’s car, while Madison took her place in the back.

Moments after their departure, they noticed a car tailing them.

“Who is that?” Jessica inquired.

“The press,” the driver replied, his voice even.

The persistent journalists chased them like annoying flies, relentless in their pursuit.

“They’re after Madison for an interview?” Jessica grimaced.

The driver merely nodded.

The news reached Ethan within ten minutes, and he immediately had William contact Madison while he addressed the media directly. His instincts told him there was more to this situation than just Lucas's antics.

Back at the Wood Lake Grand Estate.

William stayed behind, reassuring Madison, “Captain Madison, President Grant has instructed you to rest here. Don’t worry about the situation; he will handle everything.”

Madison sat motionless on the couch, lost in thought. Why hadn't Lucas given up?

During their divorce, she hadn’t loathed him as much as she did now. A mere mistake, she had thought. But now, Lucas’s repeated disturbances, involving not just her but also Ethan and Mukino International, were becoming unbearable.

She extracted her phone and combed through her Baidu Cloud Drive, retrieving past recordings of calls with Lucas and screenshots of texts—evidence of his verbal abuse and reconciliation pleas.

Saving them anew to her phone, Madison calmly opened the news article.

But Amelia snatched the phone away before Madison could delve in.


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