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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 147

Nora thought it was a good idea. It would not only fulfill her dream of having a child, but also further develop the relationship between Bright and Rose.

"What do you think of that idea?" Nora continued, "Do you want your parents to have another baby?"

"It would be nice if mom and dad have a new baby, but I can't be your daughter." Doris didn't mind her parents having another baby at all.

"Why? Am I unkind to you?" Nora winked her pretty eyes at Doris.

"You are very kind to me."

"Isn't aunt's place funny?"

"Not really."

"Is it because I have no delicious food here?"

"No, no."

"You don't like Auntie?"

"Yes, I love you very much."

Both of them asked and answered for a while. Doris replied that she was satisfied with the place and liked Nora, but she did not want to be her daughter.

Nora was a little unhappy. Everything was fine here, but why Doris didn't want to be with her?

"Auntie, you are not a mother, so you may not understand that for children, no matter how good this place is or how happy they are at this time, it is not as happy as staying with their own mothers. Nothing in the world can replace their mothers." Doris held Nora's hand. When speaking of her mother, her eyes were shining.

"Auntie, when you really be a mother, you will understand that no matter how hard the life is, even if they are so poor that they can afford a bowl of porridge every day, even if they are living in a broken and small house, even if wearing shabby clothes... they don't leave each other. They only feel happy when they are together."

"Auntie, do you have a mother and father? If it were you, would you leave them?"

Nora had a dim look in her beautiful eyes and a bitter smile on her face.

She touched Doris's delicate face. "Doris, the world of children is like a fairy tale, but the world of adults is cruel."

If it were her, she did not want to have such a father who cheated her, hurt her, and ruined her life.

He treated her like a walking dead, and considered her as a pawn for expanding his career and exchanging interests.

Since this was the life he wanted, she did what he wanted, but it was her right to live it as she wished.

She didn't love Alan, so she wouldn't marry him or have children for him.

Alan also accepted that they were a loving couple in front of their parents and friends, but they lived separately in private, and did not care about each other's private life.

She had lost her chance to choose her own marriage, so she would definitely choose her own life.

"Aunt..." Doris could feel Nora's sadness. "I'll spend more time with you later. Don't cry."

Nora did not know why she couldn't control her emotions. Her nose and eyes were getting sore, and then her eyes felt stung. Not for a while, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Why are you crying, auntie?" Nora suppressed her sadness and smiled. "I have gotten over all this, and I am not so fragile. Now I am happy."

"But you are not really happy." Doris's innocent eyes could see her through.

"Who told you that?" Nora smiled, scraping Doris's nose. "Let's go to bed."


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