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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 170

"Grandma is right, so I decided to take Doris to City J to live with you and take good care of our family together." After Rose and her grandma had an in-depth talk, grandma was very supportive of her going to City J.

Bright saw that she had made up her mind and was very pleased. "OK, I'll wait for you."

After chatting, Rose and Bright went to bed, and held hands to protect Doris between them.

That night, the family slept more sweetly than ever before.

Bright didn't get up at 6,30 in the morning to go for a run. Instead, he lay in bed and watched Rose and Doris sleeping.

They were still in a deep sleep. Bright did not disturb them. He only released his hands with Rose and stroked the strands of her hair on her face, gently putting them behind her ears.

The tips of his fingers tickled her and she twitched her eyebrows, but did not open her eyes.

Under hazy light, her long eyelashes cast shadows on her white skin, like a picture, so beautiful and touching.

Bright watched them for a while. It wasn't until seven o'clock that he got up lightly.

Having got dressed, he went out of the bedroom and stepped downstairs.

There was no one in the dining room, so he walked round the house, breathing the fresh air. The fresh smell of grass and flowers refreshed him a lot.

He walked around and then went back to the villa. At this moment, Chandler and Joy also came downstairs and saw Bright entering the living room.

"Bright, did you have a good sleep last night?" Chandler was very concerned, afraid that he didn't treat his guest well.

Bright was not so much a son-in-law to the Linder family as a guest. He was an honored guest.

"Very good, thank you." Bright was relaxed.

It was the most relaxing and enjoyable sleep he had ever had.

With his wife and daughter...there was no better night than this.

"What about Rose and Doris?" asked Joy.

"I got up first and went to look around. They should be still upstairs. I'll go and see." Bright just wanted them to have more sleep.

"It's time for breakfast. We'll wait for you in the dining room." Chandler reminded him.

Bright nodded and went upstairs.

It was half past seven, which was when Rose and Doris usually got up.

Bright went upstairs and found they woke up. Doris was dressing herself.

Rose washed and then changed, so Bright took Doris to the bathroom to wash.

After Rose and Doris were ready, they went down to have breakfast with Bright.

There were both Chinese and western food on the table. Because Joy didn't know Bright's eating habits, she had prepared different food.

During breakfast, Bright did not speak at all, and he was very elegant when having meal. Everyone knew he was born to a noble family by his eating manner. The outstanding temperament seemed to be born with him.


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