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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 179

"Mr. Mark, don't mention it." Rose was afraid she didn't deserve it, "I can try. But Mr. Bright has the final say. Besides, he has never taken back his words. I am not sure whether I can persuade him or not. So, Mr. Mark, don't thank me now. I'm not that reliable."

Rose joked to make Mark at the ease.

"I'm sorry to embarrass you, Ms. Rose. But if it is convenient for Mr. Bright, why don't you introduce me to him, so that I can directly speak with Mr. Bright? In this way, it will not affect you and Mr. Bright." Mark felt that he could make an attempt and did not have to embarrass Rose.

"I'll ask him first to see if it is convenient for him to meet you." Rose could only do her best, "Why don't you go back and wait for my call?"

"Mark, since Rose said so, you don't have to worry." Jennifer comforted Mark, "Your grandmother is still in hospital. Go see her first."

Mark was anxious. He was really afraid that with Bright's nature, by the time he was up tomorrow morning, the Fan family had gone bankrupt.

But he could not force Rose again. He was lucky to get her help.

"OK. Sorry to have caused you guys so much trouble." Mark nodded and left the Linder family's villa.

Seeing Mark leave in disappointment, Jennifer was also worried, "Rose, what's going on? How could Bright take aim at the Fan family?"

Rose took Jennifer's hand and then told her the whole story, "So, Bright did it for me and wanted to teach Timothy a lesson."

"It seems that Bright is really attached to you." Jennifer let out a sigh, "He did it all for you. If you intercede for the Fan family, will he be angry? Let me be the bad guy."

"Grandma, Bright is reasonable. As long as I talk to him, he will understand." Rose already knew that Bright was not what he was rumored to be. He was open to reason.

The reason why others said he was ruthless and heartless was that those people did not understand him, or those who were punished deserved it.

He would never hurt a person for no reason.

Jennifer patted Rose's hand, "You're right."

Then, Rose called Bright, "Did you go back to City J?"

"No. I still have some things to deal with." Bright replied, fingertips sliding lightly over the touchpad of his laptop, "Do you miss me?"

What he meant to deal with should be the affairs of the Fan family.

"Yes, I miss you. I want to see you. Where are you? I'll come to you." Rose thought Bright was too confident. Every time she called him, he would think that she missed him.

"Mrs. Lee is so frank and honey-mouthed today?" Bright raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"That's because Mr. Bright sent too many desserts this afternoon." Rose responded humorously.

Bright burst out in peals of laughter, "So I'll be able to hear Mrs. Lee's sweet words every day?"

"I'll say if you want to hear it." Rose was thick-skinned to see him.

"I'm at Asgard Lake Community." Bright told her the address, "I'll have the driver pick you up."

Wasn't Asgard Lake Community a superior villa in City H? It was in the third ring road, where every piece of land was extremely precious.

That was his friend's house? After all, with his status, it wasn't surprising that he had friends everywhere.

"I can drive myself. It will take a long time for the driver to come and pick me up." Rose said.


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