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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 25

“Grandma, I—” As Rose opened her mouth to talk, Sophie also spoke.

“Sky, where’s the present you prepared for grandma?” Sophie gently pulled on Sky’s sleeve to remind him.

Sky handed the gift to Grandma Linder. “Grandma, happy birthday!”

“Grandma, happy birthday!” Sophie smiled sweetly. “Grandma, this is a birthday gift Sky and I carefully selected for you. Take a look. Do you like it?”

Grandma Linder took it over but didn't mean to open it.

She had always been brooding about the fact that this younger granddaughter replaced Rose and married Sky.

She always felt that the matter of their breakup was not so simple, but she never had the opportunity to ask clearly.

And her health has been deteriorating in recent years. She has been recuperating in Switzerland for many years. Her biggest hope coming back this time was to see Rose and see if she had any that was too painful to talk about.

“Some people are so guilty that they can't remain calm anymore.” Nora mocked Sophie, who had lost some composure just now because of anxiety.

“Miss Cooper, we welcome you to come to my mother’s birthday banquet, but if you want to get involved with our family matters, then don’t blame me for being rude as your elder.” Chandler looked at Nora with displeasuring, hoping that she would not say anything inappropriate in public.

Family matters? Rose was expelled from the Linder family. Did she still count as a member of the Linder family?

“Mr. Linder, I am really not interested in your family matters at all. As Rose’s best friend, I just want to be by her side. I don't want her to be bullied for nothing.” Nora still did not back down in the face of Chandler’s unwelcoming tone.

“Miss Cooper, look at what you are saying... We are Rose’s parents and relatives. We will never ignore anyone bullies her.” Joy was sophisticated, which made people unable to find fault in her words.

Nora did not answer, but the word “hypocrisy” showed in her beautiful eyes as she looked at Joy.

“Who dares to bully Rose when grandma is here?” Grandma Linder domineeringly guarded her beloved granddaughter and looked at Sky. “Sky, I brought Rose up from a young age. I know her character very well. She is definitely not the type to be irresponsible in a relationship. Are you misunderstanding her?”

“Grandma, I have seen it with my own eyes. There is no misunderstanding.” Sky said affirmatively.

As soon as he thought of Rose holding the child, his heart felt suffocated.

“Saw it with your own eyes? What did you see? Show grandma the evidence.” Grandma Linder frowned.

“Grandma, I don’t want to enquire about things that happened in the past. Let it pass. The important thing is that I am very happy now. I just want to cherish the person around me who really loves me and who I also love, and that’s good enough for me.” Sky clasped Sophie’s hand next to him, his cold eyes becoming soft.

Sophie met Sky’s warm eyes. She was really moved.

She felt that everything she did was worthwhile. Even if Rose would hate her for life, she didn’t mind.

“Sure enough, men are all as changeable as the moon.” Nora snorted coldly.

“Miss Cooper, don’t stereotype men. I am not such a person.” A joking voice came.

It was the Clark family’s sixth son, Jayden, who was always cynical.

Today he wore a grapefruit red suit with a golden rhinestone deer head pin on the. Together with a blue, white, and red-coloured fine-vertically striped floral shirt and white trousers, he looked fancy and dandy, but stylish and serious.


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