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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 28

Sophie held her fair arms around Sky's neck and was eager to kiss him.

She kissed Sky ardently and loosened his pajamas. Sky felt overwhelmed by her enthusiasm today.

He grabbed Sophie's hands as she got close, and said, "I'm a bit tired today, Sophie. Let's take a rest tonight."

"Sky, don’t worry. I can do more tonight." Sophie pulled her hands out and wanted to continue.

But Sky seemed extremely tired, with his eyes squinting. He was worn out.

"Sophie, can we do that another day? I felt exhausted today." Sky gently turned her down again.

"Sky, don't you love me anymore?" Sophie was nursing a grievance and her eyes filled with tears, because she was rejected more than once tonight.

"No, I don’t mean that. I'm really tired." said Sky. He took her cheek in both hands and kissed her lips. "Don't think too much."

"Sky, ah!" Sophie suddenly fell down on the carpet.

Sky was surprised to see Rose appear aside the door quietly. He instinctively pushed Sophie out of his lap and stood up.

He looked coldly at Rose as she burst into the bedroom. He gradually turned angry.

Sophie felt embarrassed and pulled up her nightgown quickly and stood up. She looks at Rose with great anger. How dare Rose interrupt them!

"Sorry for bothering you." said Rose. But she didn’t apologize sincerely. And she even looked around the bedroom unscrupulously.

"Please get out of my room at once!” Sophie pointed to the door and said. Her arm was shaking with anger.

Elena soon arrived and was astonished at the scene. She apologized, "I'm sorry, I failed to stop Rose. Rose, this is the bedroom of Sophie and the uncle. How can you break into it? Come out with me now!"

Elena wanted to hold Rose’s hands but failed. Rose smiled brightly and said, "Dear sister, I am the eldest daughter of Chandler Linder. As long as I'm still alive, you have to listen to me. Please know yourself clearly and stop being an ostrich."

"What’s more, this bedroom belonged to me. But if you really like it, I can give it to you. It will be the same if you want to tempt my man. Is it not good for the cuckoo to take over the magpie’s nest? Don’t you think so?" Rose looked straight at Sophie and said ironically. Sophie’s greed and shamelessness were shown clearly.

Sophie's face turned pale with shame and anger.

But she quickly pretended to be innocent and grieved. Sophie said with grievance, "Rose, it was dad and mom who gave us this bedroom as the wedding room."

Sky stood with a furrowed brow. "Rose, that’s enough! Stop now!"

"It is not my fault." Rose held up her head and responded shrilly," Besides, we are talking about Sophie and me. You'd better stay out of it."

"Sophie is my wife now, and I will never let her be bullied." Sky showed his determination by holding Sophie in his arms.

"That is funny. Who can bully her?" Rose chuckled and said," Sky, you don’t fully understand Sophie. She's not as weak as you imagine."


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