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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 38

Rose got back to her hotel room and the back of her feet was scratched for the long walk in high heels.

She found some ethanol to disinfect, put some ointment on it and put a Band-Aid on in the end.

She took out the scheme marked on the site today and turned on her laptop to work.

Bright was especially serious and hard at his work and his comments were very reasonable. It made her, a designer, have to make some changes accordingly.

However, as a man, would he be too abominable as a husband?

She still couldn’t figure out what kind of problem he and his wife might encounter that would allow someone else to take Mrs. Lee’s place.

Did he have some unspeakable difficulty?

But he was Bright Lee, he could turn the cloud into the rain, he was omnipotent, who could bother him?

Rose poked her head with her pencil, why the hell did she think such things.

At this moment, her phone rang with a video call request.

She clicked ‘accept’ and her daughter Doris’s angel face appeared on the screen.

“Holle, Mommy.” Doris was waving at her sweetly, “Have you been good today?”

“……” Shouldn’t she be the one who asked that? How come she became the daughter and Doris became her mom?

“It’s only 15:40 in the afternoon, you haven’t got out of school yet, right?” She peeked at the clock on the bottom right corner of the computer screen, how could she have the time to videocall her?

“The teachers need to have a meeting early today, so we got off school early. I’m in Auntie Jane’s office. I miss you too much so I call you.” Doris picked up the iPad and showed her the room around just to prove she was not lying.

Her daughter’s mouth was so sweet that it took all her trouble away.

“Mommy misses you too.”

“This I know for sure.” Doris raised her eyebrow proudly, “because I’m mommy’s baby.”

Yes, her angel baby, her happy muse, a bright light in her dark life.

“Today is the weekend, where are you going with Auntie Jane? What are you going to eat?” Rose was shining with a maternal warm light when she looked at her daughter.

“It’s a secret.” Doris put her finger on her lip, acting mysteriously.

“What a mischievous elf you are, even mommy can’t know?” Her look made Rose grinned.

“Of course, there won’t be any surprises if I tell you.” Doris cupped her chin with her hands, her eyes most appealing.

“Are you in a video with your mom?” Jane’s figure got in the camera, she put down the water cup and said hello to Rose.

“What are you guys planning to do this evening?” Rose was intrigued.

“A secret.” Jane put her finger on her lips just as Doris did, revealing nothing.

Jane and Doris smiled at each other, other people might take them as mother and daughter.

“Are you guys trying to squeeze me out as a stranger?” Rose pretended to groan.

“You’re not a stranger and we miss you. Love you.” They both pout their mouths and put on a cute look.

“I forgive you two, for I’m so pretty and a nice person.” Rose pointed her chin with her hand holding the pencil.

“Mommy is the most pretty women in the world.” Flattery from Doris.

“We’ve got to go, otherwise we won’t make it.” Jane waved her hand and ended the call.

Rose looked at the black screen, wondering what was this secrecy all about, even her couldn’t know.

She put down the phone and lost in thought for a moment before she continued her work.

Suddenly she put down the pencil, got up and went to the bedroom, taking out a pink mid-sleeves long dress which outlined her sexy body, the end of her dress reaching her calf, both elegant and graceful.

She did a peachy make-up on to match her pink dress, sweet and gentle, making her look approachable.


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