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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 48

Hearing those words, Bright Lee twisted his eyebrows, really?It’s her first kiss?

"Thank you, handsome uncle. I love you so much." Doris reclined her head acting like a smart kid, cute as hell.

Looking at Rose Linder and Jane who were still standing at the door, Bright Lee said, "come on in and have a sit."

Bright Lee came to the long table with Doris in his arms, he put the Doris on the second chair on the left side, which right opposite to where Dougie Gallagher’s sitting.

Meanwhile Rose Linder and Jane sat on both sides of Doris

"Mr. Lee, is she your daughter? What a beautiful little princess she is." Asked Mr. Liu, the agent of Burning boys.

Instead of denying, Bright Lee started to introduce everyone, "Allow me to introduce, this is -"

However Doris interrupted him, "Uncle, can I introduce myself?"

Bright Lee sat in the master's position and made a gesture of "go ahead" to Doris, "please."

Doris slipped down from the chair and quickly sorted out her white princess skirt, and until straightening out the two ponytails of her hair, she slowly walked to Burning boys.

She reached out to hold her skirt by both sides, straightened the left leg and bent the right knee, saluted them like an elegant princess.

"Brother Simpson, brother Baxter, Dougie, hello, I'm Doris Linder, I'm five years old. You have no idea how much I love you guys. I'll come to the concert tonight to support you!"

"Hello, Doris. I'm Austin Simpson."

"Hello, Doris. I’m Marcus Baxter."

"Hello, Doris. I'm Dougie Gallagher."

Each of them shook their hands with Doris, as young as those boys, they still acted as quite gentlemen.

"I want to take a picture with you guys, is that okay?" With those fingers crossing on her chest, the big eyes of hers were full of innocence so it seemed nobody could reject her request.

"All right."

"Here, I'll take picture for you guys." Bright Lee got up and took over the Polaroid camera which Bill Newman had already prepared for him.

Doris and Burning boys took pictures together, and she also took pictures with each of them. Of course, most of the pictures she took were with Dougie Gallagher.

In the picture Doris was so happy, the smile on her face was even brighter than the flower of sunshine.

And all members of Burning boys signed on those pictures.

The chef also prepared lunch during this gap, each one of them has different styles.

And nobody enjoy this meal better than Doris, with Dougie Gallagher by her side, she had such a good appetite.

She really hoped that this moment would be frozen and last forever. Without anyone else in this world, just the two of them, looked at each other in the eyes, while smiling.

And the quality times always pass very quickly. As the lunch was over, Burning boys will have to leave, ‘cause they have to prepare for the concert and showing the audience the best of them.

For them today’s time was kind of waste, however if it was not Bright Lee's invitation, they probably wouldn’t show up easily, let alone fulfill Doris’s dream.

Seeing that Dougie Gallagher was leaving, Doris was particularly reluctant, as a girl who always smile, she couldn’t even hold her tears.

"Brother Gallagher, wait a minute, I have a favor to ask." Doris finally summoned up the courage and step forward, she called Dougie Gallagher who was about to step out of the glass door.

"Anything I can do for you." Dougie Gallagher turned and squatted down.


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