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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 51

What was the kid thinking?

"You can ask me if you have some questions." Bright withdrew his sight from the stage.

"Have you already known that my mother is Rose?" Doris was very clever.

Today, after coming back from this handsome uncle, her mother was very abnormal as if she had been lovelorn.

For example, if Dougie didn’t talk to her, ignored her, or even didn’t like her, Doris would be very sad.

Bright thought for a moment, then nodded, "Yes. But I really want to criticize your mother. She not only lied on her own, but also asked you to lie, which is very wrong."

Yep, Rose taught some bad things to her children, and made people around her help her to lie.

Most importantly, she cheated on him.

His tone was so solemn that Doris worryingly looked at him, "Uncle, will you ignore my mother?"

"Doris, it is a thing between adults, and we’ll deal with it well. Just watch the concert and be happy." Bright didn’t answer the question directly. He chose to evade.

Of course, he was angry that Rose had lied to him. And Doris was her and Sky’s child, which made him fail to calm down for a moment.

Doris still wanted to speak for her mother, "I know it’s wrong for mom to lie, but she really didn’t mean to. She may have some reasons she can’t tell others."

Did she have reasons to lie?

What kind of reasons did she have? Why was she reluctant to admit her own daughter?

Bright’s dim eyes were dyed blue by the stage lights, "Don’t be distracted, and take a good look at your Dougie. If he knows you are absent-minded, he will be unhappy."

This sentence brought Doris’s attention back to the stage. She stared at the person she liked, with her eyes full of love and happiness.

At the end of the two-hour concert, Doris could come to stage to send flowers, which was a chance Bright had won after communicating with the Burning Boys team.

Bright took Doris to the stage and she ran straight to Dougie who was standing on the right.

She gave Dougie the bunch of flowers in her arms. Dougie also recognized her and gave her a big hug with a smile, "Thank you."

"Dougie, you’re wonderful. I love you!" Doris raised her hands and folded them on the top of her head to make a heart shape. She tilted her head slightly, looking so cute.

Bright sent a bunch of flowers to Austin and Marcus respectively.

Just like snow flying, the colorful gold paper was scattered on the top of the head, reflecting the gorgeous light.

These five people took a photo together, and the concert finally ended successfully.

Back at the hotel, Bright got out of the car. Doris stood in front of him and looked up at him, "Uncle, give me a hug."

Bright squatted down and reached out to hug her. And she also embraced him, unwilling to say goodbye.

"Uncle, when can I see you again?" Doris suddenly felt sad. She had been happy and satisfied, but why this separation from Bright made her feel so sad.

"Doris, uncle is very busy. Don’t disturb him." Rose thought they would never see each other again.

"Although I’m busy, I’ll meet you when I’m free. You must take good care of yourself." Bright’s fingers bent and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Maybe he didn't have much time to meet Doris in the future. But he would miss her, and he would remember that a lovely girl had appeared in his life.

"Don’t lie to me." Doris’s eyes were shining like stars.


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