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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 62

“From the perspective of your work relationship, Mr. Lee should at least send you a wedding invitation so you can catch some good luck.” Joy picked up a piece of crystal dumpling and blew on it before putting it on the plate in front of Chandler.

“I'm also looking forward to it. There’ll be food and drinks.” Rose ate the dumplings.

“Why doesn't this picture of Mrs. Lee show the front of her face? Plus, it’s so dark. Who can see clearly? I wonder which woman is lucky to marry into the Lee family and become Mr. Lee’s wife.” Chandler glanced at the newspaper beside him again.

“No matter who Mrs. Lee is, she is definitely not an ordinary person. Someone like Mr. Lee is like a dragon and someone who can match him would naturally be like a phoenix, a celebrity among the girls.” Joy looked at Rose on the opposite side from time to time. “Rose, you and Mr. Lee have been in touch for a while. Why didn't you make use of your chance and let the Linder family benefit?”

“Mom, Mr. Lee is already married, so it's better not to say that. Besides, we are just working together, so don't think too much.” Rose clarified her relationship with Bright.

“That's really a pity.” Joy's brows and eyes showed “disappointment”.

At this time, Jennifer spoke. “What’s there to pity? Rose is great, what’s there to worry about not finding someone better? Although I wanted to match Rose and Bright, it's just that they have no fate. Since there is no fate, we should look forward to the future, and there will be someone better.”

“Grandma, let’s not talk about this.” Rose picked up a small dumpling for her grandma. “Enjoy it.”

“I just want to say, I arranged for the eldest son of the Fan family to have dinner for me today. Make sure you dress up a little bit and surprise them.” Jennifer looked at the dress Rose wore today. “You can't wear this. You should wear a dress, so you look cuter. Remember to change.”

“Grandma, I'm going to work today.” Rose chose to dress formally on the first day to make her look professional.

“You won't have too much work on the first day. In the afternoon, remember to arrive on time, otherwise grandma won’t talk to you again.” Jennifer appeared serious.

“Yes.” Rose didn’t dare disobey.

Rose drank the last sip of porridge. “Grandma, take your time. Call me if there’s anything up. I'm going to work first.”

“Yeah. Don't work too hard.” Jennifer urged her.

Rose picked up the lemon yellow purse and got up. “Dad, Mom, I’ll be leaving now.”

“Chandler, don't you also need to go to work? You can give Rose a ride and pick her up when you come back. Remember.” Jennifer looked at her son, who was still eating slowly.

Chandler wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue. “Rose, I’ll give you a ride.”

And so, Rose did not refuse to get in Chandler's car.

The black Mercedes-Benz drove out of Linder's house, all the way out of the villa area, towards the center of the city.

“Rose, the boy that grandma introduced to you should be quite nice. Make sure you seize the opportunity and don't let grandma worry.” Chandler spoke earnestly.

“I will, dad, don't worry.” Rose obediently replied.

When they arrived at YM Group’s branch in City H, Rose got off the car.

It was her first day at a new company, so Rose was ten minutes earlier than when work started. She waited in the rest area until the general manager of the branch arrived. After that, she met with her new boss, Matthew Sue, under the guidance of the secretary.

Matthew wore an iron-gray suit. His face was a little rectangular-shaped and he wore rimless glasses. He was about forty years old or above. Although he wouldn’t border on the handsome, he was still good-looking, especially after a few more glances.

Moreover, his appearance did not reflect his actual age at all. Although there were a few fine lines around the corner of his eyes, it did not affect his charm as a middle-aged elite man. On the contrary, men of his age were more masculine and attracted girls who liked middle-aged men.

“President Sue, hello. My name is Rose. I look forward to our working together.” Rose took the initiative to introduce herself and handed him the transfer letter with both hands.


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