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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 68

“What's the matter?” Jennifer asked. “Did he not even introduce himself? How could he be so ungentlemanly.”

“No, I met the person at Country Hotel. His parents were with him. He said that his name is Timothy.” Rose put on a serious face.

Jennifer believed in every word of her granddaughter. “Timothy is also grandma Fan's grandson, but the son of her younger son. She introduced her eldest grandson named Mark, the child of her eldest son. And his parents seem to have passed away.”

Rose's apricot-like eyes widened, with her hair standing on end. She seemed to have guessed something.

“Grandma, press on the hands-free button. I have something to tell grandma Fan.” Rose stretched out her hand to Jennifer.

Jennifer gave the phone to Rose, and she clicked on the hands-free icon.

“Grandma Fan, I think we were all deceived.” Rose tried to clear her thoughts.

“What's the matter, the Linder family's granddaughter? How could we be deceived?” Sherry was a little confused when she heard this.

“You all listen to me.” Rose organized her words. “Grandma Fan, do you have a grandson named Timothy?”

“Yes. It’s just that this grandson can’t compare to Mark at all. He always thinks in crooked ways. I don’t like it.”

“Today I went to Country Hotel, but it was him who was there for my blind date, not your eldest grandson, Mark. I did not change the location to Four Seasons Hotel. If I was right, my parents and Timothy’s parents must have done this together. As for the purpose, I am temporarily unclear about it.”

It wasn’t that she was unclear, she just didn’t want to say it in fear of making her grandma sad and her grandma’s sickness worsen.

Her parents definitely didn't want her to marry the excellent grandson of the Fan family, Mark, so they asked Timothy to replace him.

Of course, Sophie wasn’t free of blame either. Otherwise, how could she appear at such a suitable time and scheme against her again.

Timothy was not a serious kid at first glance. His eyes were those of a pervert – he must be a Lothario!

Naturally, he would not refuse this kind of thing, and he would not suffer any loss if he could get one.

“It turned out to be like this?” The two grandmothers felt a sudden realization.

Then they were all angry again. “I’m going to deal with them.”

After the call was over, it was impossible for Jennifer not to be angry. The blind date she arranged was disturbed by her good son and daughter-in-law.

Jennifer squeezed the quilt with one hand and wanted to lift it but was stopped by Rose. “Grandma, your body is more important. It's okay for me to be wronged.”

“If you don't want me to find them, then tell them to come in.” Jennifer was definitely not going to let her be wronged. “You choose.”

Rose had no choice but to stand up and call Chandler and Joy because she didn’t want to trouble her grandma too much.

When Chandler and Joy came in, they didn't notice anything wrong.

“Mom, since you are in poor health, you should rest more. We can meet tomorrow if you want to chat.”

“Did you guys play a role in making Timothy, the spoiled grandson of the Fan family, have a blind date with Rose? Don’t you know what kind of man he is? What kind of parents are you that you were so cruel to your daughter?” Jennifer coughed twice as she spoke.


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