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Desired By My Mate novel One


‘’Ave! Avery!’’

It was not even up to a ten minutes that I was allowed to rest, my name was called again for the umpteenth time today, I was basically a slave to my own people that was only because my father gave them the right time to treat me like an omega.

I manage to get up from my bed and staggered out of my room because I was feeling dizzy, all I wanted to do was to rest for a bit but of course, they would not have any of that.

I got to the kitchen and met an angry looking Emily, the head maid, she was holding a spatula and I knew better to stay away or else, she might hit me with it out of annoyance.

‘’Why did you take long to answer your name?! Have you suddenly gone deaf?!’’ She yelled at me.

‘’I am sorry; I was asleep before…’’

She did not even give me enough time to defend myself before she dashed me with her insults.

‘’As expected, all you do is sleep, you never want to make yourself in this house.’’ She asserted in a frustrated tone.

I wanted to reply her that she was wrong, how on earth could she say that?

Out of all the servants in this pack house, I was the one who was always used to work the most, yet, she rewards me by calling me useless and lazy.

She paused her speech and stared at me as if I had grown two heads, ‘’What did you say?’’

I notice that her grip on the spatula had tightened and I might have spoken my thoughts aloud.

I lowered my head and shut my eyes, waiting for her to beat me like always.

Fortunately, for me, I was saved by my brother’s presence, Liam.

He seemed pretty pissed and this time, Emily was the one who had fear in her eyes.

‘’What is the time?’’ He asked her, so calmly and it was scary because he was never like that.

We both looked at the clock and she was the one who answered him.

‘’7:30PM, sir.’’ She replied him with a shaky voice.

He stepped closer to her and I could hear her breathing increase.

‘’And when exactly is dinner supposed to be serve?’’ He inquired from her again.

‘’7:00PM.’’ She answered him with her eyes shut.

‘’Good.’’ He paused and stepped a bit away from her.

‘’Then, explain to me why you have chosen to starve the Alpha?!’’ He yelled at her at the top of her voice and she flinched.

Deep down, I prayed that he would not notice me and decide to bully me tonight, I was expecting Emily to pass her aggression on me once he left so I would not be able to face more.

‘’I am sorry sir; Avery was supposed to...’’

He cut her short, ‘’Was supposed to do what exactly?! I see that you are getting too comfortable with your position, maybe, you would like to be demoted to much lower standard, I do not want to hear excuses, if I do not see food on that table in the next seven minutes, consider yourself fired.’’ He dragged the last word before heading out.

As soon as he left, I released a breath that I did not know, I have been holding back, you would not blame me, unlike, every other girl, I do not have a wonderful relationship with my older brother, only thing that he felt for me was severe hatred, sometimes, I even wonder if we are truly related, he always tortures me with the fact that I took his mother away from him with my birth, even, my father at some point supported him but he has stopped, my father does not even care whether I was alive or not, I always had to make my presence known to him and as for my brother, every time that he was around, terror was always evident in the atmosphere.

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One 2

One 3


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