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Desired By My Mate novel Chapter 4


There was no way on planet Earth that I would accept a weakling as my mate, not in this life or the next, she would have been perfect if she was not frail and shabbily looking, yes, her blue eyes matched well with her ginger hair, she was not ugly, I would rate her beauty, an eight out of a ten but other factors just cancelled that out, I was really hoping for a strong mate, Alison would have been good but she was a wolf and not a witch, I needed someone who would not be scared during war, I was not going to babysit anybody’s daughter.

Nobody must find out about us being mates, it would be disgraceful, I did not have to worry too much, she seemed like the type that did not even have the guts to speak, whether or not, she did, I would make sure that she hates me to the extent, she would not want a second chance mate from the goddess.

It was a pity that I had to be stuck with Alison, I was planning to dump her but now, I would just have to use her to push that thing away from her, they were the perfect match for the game that I was about to play with them, aside, the fact that she was hot, there was nothing really special about her, her attitude was irritating but Avery…

It would be really nice to torture her while others were asleep, it would just be between the two of us.

It would have been better to be mate-less and fuck around than to be stuck with two girls that irritates me in the worse ways.

I walked into my mum’s office and she did not look surprised to see me angry.

‘’Why did you put a maid in my room as my roommate?’’ I asked her.

My question brought a frown to her face, ‘’Now, that is the way to talk, young man.’’

She did not have to do this, everything I brought a serious issue to her, she always handled it with lack of concern.

‘’She is not a maid; she is an Alpha’s daughter.’’ She corrected me like that was the most important thing to address.

‘’I know who she is, mum.’’

‘’Good, then, there is no problem.’’ She tried to dismiss me.

‘’You did not tell me; it was going to be a girl.’’ I deadpanned.

‘’Even I did not know.’’

I could sense the sarcasm in her voice but I chose to ignore it.

‘’Does it really matter? You agreed to share a room with the new student so why are you complaining now?’’ She inquired with squinted eyes.

I had to compose myself or she would do the worse possible things to me considering the fact that she was a half witch.

‘’Yes, it does. She will have to move out, I mean, look at her, my room is not some sort of refugee camp.’’ I pointed out.

‘’Oh, come on. You won’t blame her, the girl has been through a lot, her family do not even care for her, Ashley will clean her up and you won’t be able to recognize her in no time. Just try not to make her life, a living hell, also, control your wild animal or else, I will suspend her again.’’ She threatened me.

‘’By wild animal, you mean Alison?’’ I asked to confirm.

She scoffed, ‘’Who else? I can’t wait for you to find your other mate so she can be pushed to the side, she makes me sick.’’

Yeah, everybody was not really a fan of my witch mate not even the senior witch in this school which my mother.

My mum believed that finding my wolf mate would help break the curse of having Alison as my other half, little did she know that I have found her and I want absolutely nothing to do with her.


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