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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 728

Flora's heart was also thumping, and the feeling of confusion and love made Flora's gaze a little lost.

When Maximilian finished bandaging Flora's calf, he was already sweating. Maximilian took a long breath and looked at his bandage with a smile of satisfaction. It was a perfect bandage, and Maximilian also tied a beautiful bow to make it look good.

"How about it? I gave you a beautiful bandage, right? And I specially tied you a bow." Maximilian incomparably proudly said.

Flora had covered her mouth and bent over with a smile, feeling that this was the best gift she had ever received. Although it was only a bandage, Maximilian did it by himself.

"Well, it is very nice. These days the change of medicine is left to you, and you should give me such a nice bandage every day." Flora said softly, and her heart was full of sweetness.

"Bandaging once is enough for your injury." Maximilian turned around, took out his cell phone, and began to call Chief Carr to contact the aftermath of the matter.

After contacting Chief Carr and explaining the situation, Maximilian got into his car and navigated to locate the location of Dynasty One.

"Let’s go to the nightclub and find Mitchele to ask about the situation." Maximilian said while starting the car.

When talking to Chief Carr about the situation, Maximilian asked Chief Carr to check Mitchele's information, and after listening to Chief Carr's reply, Maximilian was confused.

Mitchele was the owner of a small company in H City and had no intersection with Maximilian and even Victoria, and even the Griffith family. And Maximilian judged Mitchele also didn’t know Harley or the Head of Dragon Lords.

This result was a bit beyond Maximilian's expectations, and he couldn't tell who was behind, so Maximilian took the initiative to go to Dynasty One to find Mitchele and find out the master behind the scenes.

Soon arrived at the door of Dynasty One, Maximilian got out of the car and hugged Flora, pretending to be a couple, and walked into Dynasty One.

The noisy music and psychedelic lights in Dynasty One made Maximilian slightly uncomfortable.

A burly DJ not far away was playing DJ passionately. Many people danced on the dance floor, looking like a group of demons dancing wildly. In the surrounding decks, many men and women were sitting around drinking and chatting loudly.

But Maximilian and Flora attracted a lot of people's attention as soon as they arrived. Men were looking at Flora, and women were looking at Maximilian, all with greedy expressions in their eyes.

In a deck in the corner, there were a few lads dressed as unhealthy youths. They were hired roughneck

who was protecting the scene in Dynasty One. What they did most often was to hook up women here. And they even took away and raped the drunken women.

At this moment, seeing Flora's delicate face and slender figure, several delinquent youths' eyes suddenly lit up.

"Fuck! This girl is beautiful, and her face looked without makeup, she is definitely a perfect natural beauty."

"Unfortunately, there was a man next to her, which is a bit difficult."

"Fuck, you bullshit. Pull them over. We can get the man drunk and take the woman away.We can take the prepared medicine out and put it in the wine, then let's ask them to come over and have fun together."

Several delinquent youths were discussing when a young woman, who looked to be in her thirties and was still charming, came over from the neighboring table, "Which girl do you like? It just so happens that you take the girl, and we want the man."


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