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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 738

Maximilian walked out of the grass and stepped towards the brawny man in purple.

The brawny man in purple had such a strong aura that Maximilian must be careful.

Looking at the five corpses in front of the brawny man in purple, Maximilian frowned slightly.

“You killed them? Your methods seem a bit excessive. They just didn’t complete the task.”

“Haha, they deserved to die if they didn’t complete the task. Let’s talk about our affairs.”

The brawny man in purple raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at Maximilian. Obviously, he looked down upon him.

Maximilian shrugged casually, “Alright, then tell me who instigated you. If you explain it to me clearly, I can let you go.”

“Hahaha, let us go. This is the most ridiculous joke I have ever heard. Now I am a chopping block, and you are fresh meat. Have you still not understood your current situation?”

There was a teasing smile on the face of the brawny man in purple as if he thought that Maximilian was a fool.

Maximilian smiled calmly, “I think you are the fresh meat. I will throw you into the river to feed the fish.”

The brawny man in purple did not speak, but he started to get angry. Those men of sacrifice in black became agitated and yelled at Maximilian one by one.

“The guy is so bold. How dare he talk to Master like that? If he knows our master’s identity, he will be scared to death.”

“How dare you confront Master! Then you are courting death. You just wait for your doom. Stop dreaming about killing us.”

“Master, leave it to us. We will kill this reckless boy. Otherwise, he may still say some harsh words.”

The brawny man in purple declined the offer with a wave of his hand. Then those men of sacrifice behind him closed their mouths neatly without making any noise.

There was only the sound of the wind on the abandoned dock.

Maximilian quietly looked at the brawny man in purple. He had figured out the man’s identity.

Benjamin looked at Maximilian with a smile and said with great momentum, “Boy, now you should know who I am. You are the lord of the Dragon Sect. If I kill you, I can go to the head of dragon lords and take credit for it.”

“I probably know. You were born in a martial arts family, the Doyle family. They call you ‘Master Doyle’, so you must be the disciple of the Doyle family. But this is the first time I know the Doyle family has also become the hatchet men of the head of dragon lords.”

Maximilian was a bit indifferent. He didn’t completely believe Benjamin’s words. When Benjamin mentioned the head of dragon lords, his facial expression showed some disdain. What he said seemed to be coy.

Only the disciples of the Doyle family could wear purple clothes. As long as the disciples of the Doyle family traveled around, they would be surrounded by countless people that came to flatter, but that was only for ordinary people.

Moreover, the head of dragon lords was not close to the martial artists because the so-called martial artists were not powerful enough. The masters trained by Dragon Sect were much more powerful than those martial artists.

“Hahaha, you have also heard of me. Afraid, are you? Obediently kneel and kowtow to me. Maybe I can save your life If I’m in a good mood.”

Benjamin was inflated with pride. If the lord of Dragon Sect knelt to him, he could brag for a lifetime.

Maximilian sneered and shook his head, “Although it is dark, it is not time to sleep. Why are you dreaming? I think you’d better kneel and beg for mercy.”

“You have the guts to talk to me like that. Since you don’t appreciate what is good, then I will have to use your head as a ball.”

Benjamin stepped forward and stomped heavily. Then the concrete floor had split.


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