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Enigma novel Chapter 53

“We will wait for them to attack as we don’t exactly know when they will make a move and neither do we know where they are.” I said as we sat in the front yard. “With the non-fighting party safely sent to Scotland, we don’t have to worry much about the safety of our people. I just hope everything goes fine.”

“We are going to be alright Amy. There is nothing more we can do to prepare ourselves. The only thing we can do now is wait for them to attack and defend ourselves by killing them all.” Leo said.

It has been two days since the kids and the mates of the pack members have been sent to the safe house. Well not to Scotland but the original safe house. That Soran will be in for a surprise when he does attack us. We are ready as we will ever be. He wants war then we will give him war and whoop his and his spawn’s ass.

“Let’s eat dinner and get to bed. I don’t think they will attack today.” Carter said yawning.

The spirit wolves have been keeping watch in the woods but there was no sign of them so far. They have even stopped lurking around the house at night these past days. It feels way too calm though. Why would they disappear suddenly after trying to kill our members and giving warnings? They sure are taking their time to attack. We have been waiting for them to attack but so far there is no sign of them.

We made our way inside and took our places on the table after setting the food that we had already prepared before. I could see the sun sinking from the window. Cassidy came out of her room looking all happy. She had finished forging the sword yesterday. She still hadn’t told me how to work it properly to kill Soran.

“I need to talk with you about the sword after dinner.” Cassidy said to me.

Did she read my mind again?

“Yes I did.” She replied.

I glared at her playfully and focused on stuffing the delicious food in my mouth.

After dinner, I followed Cassidy to her room where she explained to me everything about it and how to use it but I have only one shot at it. The sword will disintegrate after one use so I don’t even have a way to practice. I am also quite scared about it. What if I couldn’t do it? What if I failed to kill Soran? Everything will be in vain.

No. You have to do your best Amara. You can do this.

“You alright love?” Steven asked as I entered our room.

“Just worried. What if we failed? What if I failed?”

“We can’t possibly know that now. The only thing we can do, is do our best.” He said pulling me to bed. “Rest up for now. Don’t think about it too much.”

Chapter 53- Amara 1

Chapter 53- Amara 2


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