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Enigma novel Chapter 54

“Hanno ucciso piu della meta di noi. Ne restano solo un centinaio.” A male voice said. (They have killed more than half of us. Only a hundred or so are left.)

“E il camminatore spirit?” A cold voice asked. (What about the spirit walker?)

The same voice that had commanded the demons before. I think I found Soran. He doesn’t sound happy.

“Nessuno spettacolo. Non sappiamo dove sia.” The first voice said with a little tremble in his voice. (No show. We don’t know where she is.)

I should get out of here and get back up. I will need the sword as well. I moved a little but due to the darkness, stepped on a dry twig which snapped loudly and they stopped talking.

“Ryder find me. I think I found Soran.” I said in the mind link as I started running again.

I skidded to a halt as a group of demons blocked my way. I don’t have time to kill them. I turned around to go the other way but it was also blocked. Not by more demons but by two men. One of them was similar to the low level demons but the other one was… beautiful.

He was my height in wolf form. Which means he must be at least seven feet tall. His eyes were black as charcoal and hair as red as blood. His face looked beautifully carved. Almost angelic. His black eyes complemented his tanned skin.

“What do we have here?” He said smirking.

The Italian accent was very less noticeable in his voice but it was there.

“An Alpha that wondered around alone. You are bigger than the other Alphas I have seen so far but are you more powerful?” He said looking at me with his head tilted to the side.

Where are they? I need the sword.

“How about you shift? I don’t think you can take over all of us alone. These are my most trained men here after all.” He said in a teasing voice.

The astonishment I felt before from his looks was slowly melting away with every word he spoke.

“I don’t want to shift.” Papa’s voice came out firm. “Who are you?”

Let them get the benefit of doubt. The beautiful guy looked shocked at first but quickly covered it with an amused look.

“I will tell you if you shift.” He said tauntingly.

I could feel the other demons creeping closer to me.

“Why don’t you tell those demons behind me to stop coming closer to me first? I will kill them if they moved even an inch.”

“You will kill fifty demons on your own?” He looked at me like I have gone mad. The other guy started laughing. “Zaff did you hear what he said? He thinks he can kill my trained demons single handedly or more like single pawed.”

Zaff, I think his name is, started cackling and the demons behind me joined him but the guy I think is Soran, kept looking at me coldly.

“Do it and I will let you go. I might even tell you who I am.” The supposed Soran challenged. His voice was taunting.

What is he up to? I looked at him suspiciously. Demons ae known for being cunning. I shouldn’t fall into his trap.

“Aww don’t give me that look. I am not going to go back on my words.” He said with a malicious smirk.

I still looked at him suspiciously.

“Carica.” He said in a bored voice. (Charge)

I had only half a second to understand what he said as the demons started attacking me at once. I started killing every demon I could reach. Few of them latched onto my back and legs and dug their claws and teeth into me but it didn’t faze me one bit. Yeah it hurt but I have no chance to lose focus. The adrenaline was keeping me from feeling the pain I think.

The demons had reduced to half by now as I had crushed their heads without second thought. The ones on my body were starting to slow me down. I quickly shifted into my human form making them collide into each other with the lack of bulk of my body. I shifted back to wolf from before anyone could see that I was a female and killed the confused demons that had fallen of my body. By now I am sure the tall handsome one is Soran from the way he was commanding them. I hope I won’t lose him in the midst of this.

Chapter 54- Amara 1


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